Articles published in this theme: 3 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Martín Lázaro, Carlos López-Otín, Antoni L Andreu, Juan Cruz Cigudosa, Milagros Garcia-Barbero
JMIR Med Educ 2023 (Feb 21); 9:e46366Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Correction: Identification of Informed Consent in Patient Videos on Social Media: Prospective Study
Jane O'Sullivan, Cathleen McCarrick, Paul Tierney, Donal B O'Connor, Jack Collins, Robert Franklin
JMIR Med Educ 2020 (Oct 30); 6(2):e25045Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Julian Rössler, Alexander Kaserer, Benjamin Albiez, Julia Braun, Jan Breckwoldt, Donat Rudolf Spahn, Christoph Nöthiger, David Werner Tscholl
JMIR Med Educ 2020 (Oct 01); 6(2):e24459Download Citation: END BibTex RIS