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Use of Multiple-Select Multiple-Choice Items in a Dental Undergraduate Curriculum: Retrospective Study Involving the Application of Different Scoring Methods

Use of Multiple-Select Multiple-Choice Items in a Dental Undergraduate Curriculum: Retrospective Study Involving the Application of Different Scoring Methods

Use of Multiple-Select Multiple-Choice Items in a Dental Undergraduate Curriculum: Retrospective Study Involving the Application of Different Scoring Methods

Original Paper

1Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

2Division of Medical Education Research and Curriculum Development, Study Deanery of University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

3Department of Prosthodontics, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

4Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

5Institute for Medical Education, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Corresponding Author:

Philipp Kanzow, MSc, Dr rer medic, PD Dr med dent

Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology

University Medical Center Göttingen

Robert-Koch-Str 40

Göttingen, 37075


Phone: 49 551 3960870

Fax:49 551 3960869


Background: Scoring and awarding credit are more complex for multiple-select items than for single-choice items. Forty-one different scoring methods were retrospectively applied to 2 multiple-select multiple-choice item types (Pick-N and Multiple-True-False [MTF]) from existing examination data.

Objective: This study aimed to calculate and compare the mean scores for both item types by applying different scoring methods, and to investigate the effect of item quality on mean raw scores and the likelihood of resulting scores at or above the pass level (≥0.6).

Methods: Items and responses from examinees (ie, marking events) were retrieved from previous examinations. Different scoring methods were retrospectively applied to the existing examination data to calculate corresponding examination scores. In addition, item quality was assessed using a validated checklist. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and multiple logistic regression analysis (P<.05).

Results: We analyzed 1931 marking events of 48 Pick-N items and 828 marking events of 18 MTF items. For both item types, scoring results widely differed between scoring methods (minimum: 0.02, maximum: 0.98; P<.001). Both the use of an inappropriate item type (34 items) and the presence of cues (30 items) impacted the scoring results. Inappropriately used Pick-N items resulted in lower mean raw scores (0.88 vs 0.93; P<.001), while inappropriately used MTF items resulted in higher mean raw scores (0.88 vs 0.85; P=.001). Mean raw scores were higher for MTF items with cues than for those without cues (0.91 vs 0.8; P<.001), while mean raw scores for Pick-N items with and without cues did not differ (0.89 vs 0.90; P=.09). Item quality also impacted the likelihood of resulting scores at or above the pass level (odds ratio ≤6.977).

Conclusions: Educators should pay attention when using multiple-select multiple-choice items and select the most appropriate item type. Different item types, different scoring methods, and presence of cues are likely to impact examinees’ scores and overall examination results.

JMIR Med Educ 2023;9:e43792



In dentistry, multiple-choice items are often used to test theoretical knowledge in written examinations [Gerhard-Szep S, Güntsch A, Pospiech P, Söhnel A, Scheutzel P, Wassmann T, et al. Assessment formats in dental medicine: an overview. GMS J Med Educ 2016;33(4):Doc65 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]1]. Multiple-choice items can be divided into single-choice items (eg, Type A) and multiple-select items. In multiple-select items, examinees are required to judge multiple answer options/statements independently within a single item. The correctness of an answer option/statement does not affect the other answer options/statements within the same item. Therefore, a more active knowledge reproduction takes place as examinees cannot identify the correct answer option at the first glance and must not ignore the remaining answer options. In contrast to single-choice items, scoring of multiple-select items is more complex. While examinees’ responses on single-choice items might be either correct (1 full credit point is awarded) or incorrect (no credit points are awarded or a penalty score is given), multiple-select items might result in partially correct responses (ie, some answer options/statements are marked correctly while others are marked incorrectly).

Within electronic written examinations of dental undergraduate students at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Type A single-choice items and 2 kinds of multiple-select multiple-choice items, known as Pick-N [Gibbons JD, Olkin I, Sobel M. A subset selection technique for scoring items on a multiple choice test. Psychometrika 1979 Sep;44(3):259-270. [CrossRef]2,Ripkey DR, Case SM, Swanson DB. A “new” item format for assessing aspects of clinical competence. Acad Med 1996 Oct;71(10 Suppl):S34-S36. [CrossRef] [Medline]3] and Multiple-True-False (MTF) [Cronbach LJ. Note on the multiple true-false test exercise. J Educ Psychol 1939 Nov;30(8):628-631. [CrossRef]4], are used. Examples of the item types are shown in Figure 1. Since the first mention of these item types, various scoring methods for scoring multiple-select items have been described in the literature. A summary of different scoring methods and their corresponding mathematical scoring algorithms as identified by 2 recent systematic reviews [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5,Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6] is shown in

Multimedia Appendix 1

Scoring methods for Pick-N and Multiple-True-False items as described in the literature.

DOCX File , 38 KBMultimedia Appendix 1.

Pick-N items consist of a variable number of answer options (with the number [n] ranging from 5 to 26 [Case SM, Swanson DB. Pick N items: an extension of the extended-matching format. In: Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: National Board of Medical Examiners; 2001:99-103.7-Bauer D, Holzer M, Kopp V, Fischer MR. Pick-N multiple choice-exams: a comparison of scoring algorithms. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2011 May;16(2):211-221 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9]), and examinees are asked to select all true answer options. The total number of true answer options (t) within each item is disclosed to examinees and might vary between 2 and n–1 [Ripkey DR, Case SM, Swanson DB. A “new” item format for assessing aspects of clinical competence. Acad Med 1996 Oct;71(10 Suppl):S34-S36. [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Case SM, Swanson DB. Pick N items: an extension of the extended-matching format. In: Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: National Board of Medical Examiners; 2001:99-103.7,Bauer D, Holzer M, Kopp V, Fischer MR. Pick-N multiple choice-exams: a comparison of scoring algorithms. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2011 May;16(2):211-221 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9-Domnich A, Panatto D, Arata L, Bevilacqua I, Apprato L, Gasparini R, et al. Impact of different scoring algorithms applied to multiple-mark survey items on outcome assessment: an in-field study on health-related knowledge. J Prev Med Hyg 2015;56(4):E162-E171 [FREE Full text] [Medline]11]. In recent years, Pick-N items were described to typically consist of 1 circumscript question and a number of very short answer options (ie, a single word or very short phrases) [Case SM, Swanson DB. Pick N items: an extension of the extended-matching format. In: Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: National Board of Medical Examiners; 2001:99-103.7,Krebs R. Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prüfungen für die ärztliche Ausbildung [Instructions for preparing multiple-choice items and multiple-choice examinations in medical education]. Bern, Switzerland: Department for Assessment and Evaluation, Institute for Medical Education, University of Bern; 2004.10]. This item type has also been named k from n and n out of many in the literature [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8,Bauer D, Holzer M, Kopp V, Fischer MR. Pick-N multiple choice-exams: a comparison of scoring algorithms. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2011 May;16(2):211-221 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9].

MTF items consist of a question stem and a variable number of statements (ie, complex statements as opposed to very short answer options used in Pick-N items), which need to be labeled independently as true or false by examinees. Any number of statements (including zero and n) might be correct, and the number of true statements is not disclosed. This item type has also been named true-false format, cluster-true-false, cluster (multiple true-false) variety, cluster-type true-false, Kprim, Kprime, K’, and Type X in the literature [Fleming PR, Sanderson PH, Stokes JF, Walton HJ. Examinations in medicine. New York, NY: Longman; 1976.12-Mehrens WA, Lehmann IJ. Measurement and evaluation in education and psychology. 4th ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1991.16]. Based on the above-mentioned definitions of Pick-N and MTF items, the example shown in Figure 1 should be employed as a Pick-N item instead of an MTF item.

Although indications for the use of multiple-select multiple-choice items and corresponding instructions for examinees vary between both item types [Case SM, Swanson DB. Pick N items: an extension of the extended-matching format. In: Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: National Board of Medical Examiners; 2001:99-103.7,Krebs R. Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prüfungen für die ärztliche Ausbildung [Instructions for preparing multiple-choice items and multiple-choice examinations in medical education]. Bern, Switzerland: Department for Assessment and Evaluation, Institute for Medical Education, University of Bern; 2004.10], it is unknown whether educators employ Pick-N and MTF items according to the above-mentioned recommendations. Moreover, the relation between examinees’ true ability (ie, true knowledge) and expected scoring results differs between both item types [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5,Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6]. In case of examinations consisting of single-choice items with 5 answer options only (ie, with a guessing probability amounting to 20%), a pass mark of 60% tests examinees for a level of 50% true knowledge, as examinees with 50% true knowledge achieve 60% of the possible total score on average due to the possibility of guessing (using an all-or-nothing scoring method without applying a penalty for incorrect responses). Depending on the employed multiple-select item type, the number of answer options/statements per item, and the used scoring method, examinees might require either more or less true knowledge to gain 60% of the possible total score on average.

Therefore, this study aimed to (1) retrospectively apply different scoring methods to existing examination data from multiple-select multiple-choice items and analyze the obtained results from examinees (ie, scores) and (2) investigate the impact of item characteristics (ie, selection of appropriate item type and presence of cues) on scoring results (ie, mean raw scores and the likelihood of resulting scores at or above pass level when using different scoring methods).

The null hypotheses were as follows: (1) scoring results for Pick-N and MTF items do not differ between different scoring methods and (2) item characteristics do not impact scoring results.

Figure 1. Examples of matched Pick-N (top) and Multiple-True-False (bottom) items with 5 answer options/statements.

Ethical Considerations

Owing to the retrospective design of the study and the fact that only anonymized item scores at the level of previous examinations (ie, not at the level of identifiable students) were available from the examination software, no ethical approval was required.

Multiple-Select Multiple-Choice Items

At the University Medical Center Göttingen, both Pick-N and MTF multiple-select multiple-choice items are used. While Pick-N items might contain a variable number of answer options (up to 26), local examination guidelines recommend 5, 6, 7, or 8 answer options. According to local examination guidelines, MTF items might contain 4, 5, or 6 statements.

For Pick-N items, a total of 24 different scoring methods have been described in the literature [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6]. Moreover, for MTF items, a large variety of scoring methods exist, and a total of 27 scoring methods have been described in the literature [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5]. By removing duplicate scoring algorithms, 41 scoring algorithms were identified and were retrospectively applied to examinees’ markings of both multiple-select multiple-choice item types.

Electronic Examinations

Prior to their use, all items were subjected to a review process at the department responsible for the respective examination. During electronic examinations, answer options/statements were displayed and permuted for each examinee using UCAN’s CAMPUS Examination software [UCAN’s CAMPUS examination software. Institute for Communication and Assessment Research.   URL: [accessed 2022-10-24] 17]. Until the end of the examination, examinees were able to modify their markings. Total examination time was calculated based on 90 seconds per item.

For Pick-N items, examinees had to mark only the true answer options (t). For each item, the number of true answer options was displayed to the examinees. Marking more answer options as true than the given number of t was technically impossible. If examinees marked fewer answer options than t as true, a warning message was shown indicating that they were intended to select t answer options. Despite the warning message, examinees were allowed to continue without selecting t answer options. Within the context of MTF items, examinees were required to mark each statement as either true or false, and there was no possibility to omit individual statements.

For all examinations (usually consisting of 20 to 30 items), a uniform pass mark of 60% (ie, 0.6 credit points) was used irrespective of the included item types according to local examination guidelines.

Examination Data

Written examinations of the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology and the Department of Prosthodontics of the undergraduate dental curriculum (1st to 10th semester) at the University Medical Center Göttingen were retrospectively screened for multiple-select multiple-choice items. Due to the overall lower number of Pick-N items, Pick-N items and examination data were retrieved from all examinations with at least five participants between 2016 and 2020. In case of Pick-N items used in multiple examinations, only the version and marking events from the examination with the most examinees or the first examination (in cases of the same number of examinees) were assessed. MTF items and corresponding examination data were retrieved from a previous publication [Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using multiple true-false items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]18] containing items from examinations with at least five participants during winter term 2016/2017 only. If MTF items were used in multiple eligible examinations, marking events from all examinations were combined. To allow for comparison, MTF items from the previous publication were limited to the fields of Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics.

Quality Criteria of Items

Judgement regarding the use of an appropriate item type was based on the definition by Krebs [Krebs R. Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prüfungen für die ärztliche Ausbildung [Instructions for preparing multiple-choice items and multiple-choice examinations in medical education]. Bern, Switzerland: Department for Assessment and Evaluation, Institute for Medical Education, University of Bern; 2004.10]. In order to further evaluate the quality of identified items, a validated checklist regarding formal quality criteria, presence of cues, and content correctness was used (Table 1) [Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using multiple true-false items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]18]. Formal quality and presence of cues were jointly assessed by 3 authors (PK, MH, and TR) to classify items for the subsequent analyses. Content validity was assessed by 2 expert clinicians (AW for items within the field of Operative Dentistry; TW for items regarding Prosthodontics).

Table 1. Checklist for the quality assessment of items as described previously [Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using multiple true-false items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]18].
Quality parameterItems fulfilling the criteria

Pick-N (N=48), n (%)Multiple-True-False (N=18), n (%)

Is the item linguistically correct?25 (52)12 (67)

Are the answer options homogeneous (eg, no double negatives, approximately equal length of statements)?40 (83)11 (61)

Are students of the subject able to understand the question?46 (96)15 (83)

Is the correct item type used?18 (38)14 (78)

Have cues (eg, grammar hints, correct statement is the longest option, diametrical statements, statements which mutually exclude/condition each other, verbal association between question and statements, absolute formulations such as never or always) been avoided?27 (56)9 (50)

Is the content correct?44 (92)18 (100)

Are answer options homogeneous regarding their content?47 (98)13 (72)

Statistical Analysis

Scoring results for all marking events (ie, individual student entries on a single item) of identified Pick-N and MTF items were calculated according to the identified scoring algorithms shown in

Multimedia Appendix 1

Scoring methods for Pick-N and Multiple-True-False items as described in the literature.

DOCX File , 38 KBMultimedia Appendix 1, using Excel for Mac (version 16.39; Microsoft Corp). Based on these results, a mean score across all examinees and items was calculated for each scoring algorithm and item type. Separately for Pick-N and MTF items, differences between the mean scores of all scoring methods were assessed by the Kruskal-Wallis test.

The effect of item quality (use of an appropriate item type [yes vs no] and absence of cues [yes vs no]) on mean raw scores was assessed by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Raw scores were derived from method 10 (Partial Scoring 1/n, PS1/n), which awards partial credit equally for each correctly marked answer option/statement.

Separately for each scoring method, the likelihood of achieving a score of ≥0.6 was assessed by multiple logistic regression analyses. The use of an inappropriate item type (yes vs no) and presence of cues (yes vs no) were simultaneously entered as predictor variables. A dichotomous outcome was defined as a score at or above pass mark (≥0.6 credit points) versus below pass mark (<0.6 credit points).

All calculations were performed using the software R [The R Project for Statistical Computing. R Foundation.   URL: [accessed 2022-11-09] 19] (version 4.0.4) and the package “PMCMR” (version 4.3). The level of significance was set at α=.05.

Marking Events

A total of 48 Pick-N and 18 MTF items were included. Items presented 5, 6, or 7 answer options (Pick-N), or 5 or 6 statements (MTF). A total of 1931 (Pick-N) and 828 (MTF) marking events were investigated. On average, for Pick-N and MTF items, each item was answered by 40.2 (SD 5.7) and 46.0 (SD 30.7) examinees.

Scoring Results

Except for method 9 (Monash Medical School Scheme), which has only been described for cases of n=4, all identified scoring methods were applied on all included items.

For both item types, mean scores differed significantly between scoring methods (P<.001). For Pick-N items, mean scores per item varied between 0.5, when applying method 16 (Guessing Penalty), and 0.98, when applying method 2 (Dichotomized MTF) or method 32 (Formula 3 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]). Overall, mean scores of ≥0.90 per item were achieved when using method 2 (Dichotomized MTF), method 32 (Formula 3 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]), method 15 (Guessing Fair Penalty), or method 29 (Formula 6 by Duncan and Milton [Duncan GT, Milton EO. Multiple-answer multiple-choice test items: responding and scoring through Bayes and minimax strategies. Psychometrika 1978 Mar;43(1):43-57. [CrossRef]20]). For MTF items, mean scores per item varied between 0.02, when applying method 16 (Guessing Penalty), and 0.96, when applying method 2 (Dichotomized MTF). Only 2 scoring methods resulted in mean scores of ≥0.90 (method 2 [Dichotomized MTF] and method 15 [Guessing Fair Penalty]). The results of further scoring methods are shown in Table 2.

For Pick-N and MTF item types, histograms showing the distribution of scoring results from different scoring methods are presented in Figures 2 and Ripkey DR, Case SM, Swanson DB. A “new” item format for assessing aspects of clinical competence. Acad Med 1996 Oct;71(10 Suppl):S34-S36. [CrossRef] [Medline]3, respectively. As depicted, different scoring methods allow for different levels of partial credit.

Table 2. Mean scoring results across all examinees per item for different scoring methods.
Method numberScoring methodScoring result, mean (SD)

Pick-NMultiple-True-False (MTF)
1Dichotomous Scoring0.752 (0.432)0.512 (0.500)
2Dichotomized MTF0.982 (0.133)0.963 (0.190)
3Half-point Scoring0.752 (0.431)0.675 (0.371)
4Partial Scoring 50% (PS50, MTF)a0.867 (0.241)0.737 (0.285)
5Blasberg-Method (Formula 4 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8])0.807 (0.340)0.734 (0.312)
6Negative No Carry-Over Marking System0.851 (0.267)0.794 (0.251)
7Count-30.830 (0.299)0.771 (0.227)
8Count-20.838 (0.288)0.773 (0.275)
9Monash Medical School SchemebN/AcN/A
10Partial Scoring 1/n (PS1/n)0.899 (0.183)0.861 (0.173)
11Ebel-Method0.899 (0.183)0.861 (0.173)
12Quadratisch0.842 (0.279)0.772 (0.262)
13Kubisch0.808 (0.337)0.709 (0.319)
14Quartisch0.787 (0.373)0.664 (0.359)
15Guessing Fair Penalty0.953 (0.083)0.903 (0.099)
16Guessing Penalty0.504 (0.864)0.024 (1.000)
17Formula 1a by Hsu et al [Hsu TC, Moss PA, Khampalikit C. The merits of multiple-answer items as evaluated by using six scoring formulas. J Exp Educ 2015 Jan 28;52(3):152-158. [CrossRef]21]0.742 (0.449)0.493 (0.520)
18Formula 1b by Hsu et al [Hsu TC, Moss PA, Khampalikit C. The merits of multiple-answer items as evaluated by using six scoring formulas. J Exp Educ 2015 Jan 28;52(3):152-158. [CrossRef]21]0.744 (0.446)0.496 (0.517)
19Formula 6 by Hsu et al [Hsu TC, Moss PA, Khampalikit C. The merits of multiple-answer items as evaluated by using six scoring formulas. J Exp Educ 2015 Jan 28;52(3):152-158. [CrossRef]21]0.829 (0.303)0.762 (0.282)
20(+1/n, 0, –1/n) System0.798 (0.366)0.723 (0.347)
21(+1/n, –0.6/n) System0.839 (0.292)0.778 (0.277)
22(+1/n, 0, –0.5/n) System0.849 (0.274)0.792 (0.260)
23Formula-Scoring0.875 (0.226)0.827 (0.216)
24(+1/n, 0, –2/n) System0.697 (0.548)0.584 (0.520)
25(+1/n, 0, –1.8/n) System0.718 (0.512)0.612 (0.485)
26Formula 8 by Domnich et al [Domnich A, Panatto D, Arata L, Bevilacqua I, Apprato L, Gasparini R, et al. Impact of different scoring algorithms applied to multiple-mark survey items on outcome assessment: an in-field study on health-related knowledge. J Prev Med Hyg 2015;56(4):E162-E171 [FREE Full text] [Medline]11]0.866 (0.243)0.716 (0.319)
27Formula 1 by Duncan and Milton [Duncan GT, Milton EO. Multiple-answer multiple-choice test items: responding and scoring through Bayes and minimax strategies. Psychometrika 1978 Mar;43(1):43-57. [CrossRef]20]0.879 (0.222)0.851 (0.234)
28Formula 5 by Duncan and Milton [Duncan GT, Milton EO. Multiple-answer multiple-choice test items: responding and scoring through Bayes and minimax strategies. Psychometrika 1978 Mar;43(1):43-57. [CrossRef]20]0.893 (0.194)0.856 (0.187)
29Formula 6 by Duncan and Milton [Duncan GT, Milton EO. Multiple-answer multiple-choice test items: responding and scoring through Bayes and minimax strategies. Psychometrika 1978 Mar;43(1):43-57. [CrossRef]20]0.904 (0.174)0.868 (0.170)
30Formula 1 by Bandaranayake et al [Bandaranayake R, Payne J, White S. Using multiple response true-false multiple choice questions. Aust N Z J Surg 1999 Apr;69(4):311-315. [CrossRef] [Medline]22]0.757 (0.443)0.702 (0.468)
31Formula 2 by Bandaranayake et al [Bandaranayake R, Payne J, White S. Using multiple response true-false multiple choice questions. Aust N Z J Surg 1999 Apr;69(4):311-315. [CrossRef] [Medline]22]0.790 (0.381)0.652 (0.544)
32Formula 3 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]0.982 (0.133)0.808 (0.394)
33Subset Scoring0.896 (0.189)0.868 (0.170)
34Ripkey Method0.879 (0.222)0.692 (0.378)
35Morton Method0.879 (0.222)0.802 (0.233)
36Formula 2 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]0.899 (0.183)0.735 (0.364)
37Partial Scoring 50% (PS50, Pick-N)a0.866 (0.243)0.638 (0.410)
38Partial Scoring 1/tm (PS1/tm)0.879 (0.222)0.778 (0.258)
39Odell-Method0.824 (0.319)0.595 (0.471)
40(+1/t, –1/[nt]) System0.791 (0.378)0.737 (0.339)
41Balanced Scoring Method0.879 (0.222)0.785 (0.249)

aWithin the context of Pick-N and Multiple-True-False items, the scoring method named Partial Scoring 50% (PS50) is related to different scoring methods.

bOnly used in case of 4 answer options/statements per item.

cN/A: not applicable.

Figure 2. Distribution of scoring results per item among all 1931 marking events of Pick-N items. The ranges of scoring results are shown on the x-axis in intervals of 0.2 with a scale ranging from −2 or −1 to +1 credit points per item. MTF: Multiple-True-False.
Figure 3. Distribution of scoring results per item among all 828 marking events of Multiple-True-False (MTF) items. The ranges of scoring results are shown on the x-axis in intervals of 0.2 with a scale ranging from −2 or −1 to +1 credit points per item.

Impact of Item Quality on Scoring Results

A total of 30 (63%) Pick-N items should have been used as MTF items, while 4 (22%) MTF items should have been used as Pick-N items instead. Presence of at least one cue was found in 21 out of 48 (44%) Pick-N items, while at least one cue was identified in 9 out of 18 (50%) MTF items. However, the content of items was formally correct in 44 out of 48 (92%) Pick-N items and all (100%) MTF items.

Inappropriately used Pick-N items (ie, these items should have been written as MTF items instead) resulted in lower mean raw scores (mean 0.88, SD 0.20 vs mean 0.93, SD 0.16; P<.001), while inappropriately used MTF items resulted in higher mean raw scores (mean 0.88, SD 0.19 vs mean 0.85, SD 0.17; P=.001). Mean raw scores from items with and without cues differed for MTF items (mean 0.91, SD 0.15 vs mean 0.84, SD 0.18; P<.001), but not for Pick-N items (mean 0.89, SD 0.18 vs mean 0.90, SD 0.18; P=.09).

For Pick-N items used inappropriately, most scoring methods showed a lower likelihood of achieving a score of ≥0.6 compared to credit from proper Pick-N items (odds ratio [OR] ≤0.559; Table 3). For items written up inappropriately in MTF style, most scoring methods showed a greater likelihood of achieving a score of ≥0.6 compared to items that were designed appropriately (Table 3). The highest effect was found for method 38 (Partial Scoring 1/tm, PS1/tm; OR 5.724) and method 27 (Formula 1 by Duncan and Milton [Duncan GT, Milton EO. Multiple-answer multiple-choice test items: responding and scoring through Bayes and minimax strategies. Psychometrika 1978 Mar;43(1):43-57. [CrossRef]20]; OR 4.776). Only 2 scoring methods showed a lower proportion of scores ≥0.6 when an inappropriate item type was used (method 32 and method 36 [Formula 2 and 3 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]], both OR 0.625).

Within Pick-N items, the presence of cues was associated with a greater likelihood of achieving a score of ≥0.6 (equaling scores at or above the pass mark that is ≥60% of the total score) for a minority of scoring methods only (Table 3). Differences in the likelihood of scores ≥0.6 between items with and without cues were most pronounced when using methods 27, 34, 35, 38, and 41 (all OR 1.394). No scoring method resulted in a lower proportion of scores ≥0.6 in case of cues being present. Different results were found for MTF items. For most scoring methods, the presence of cues was associated with a greater likelihood of achieving a score of ≥0.6 (Table 3). Scoring methods 30 and 31 (Formula 1 and 2 by Bandaranayake et al. [Bandaranayake R, Payne J, White S. Using multiple response true-false multiple choice questions. Aust N Z J Surg 1999 Apr;69(4):311-315. [CrossRef] [Medline]22]) showed the highest susceptibility to cues (both OR 6.977). Only 2 scoring methods showed a lower proportion of scores ≥0.6 in the presence of cues (methods 32 and 36 [Formula 2 and 3 by Blasberg et al [Blasberg R, Güngerich U, Müller-Esterl W, Neumann D, Schappel S. Erfahrungen mit dem Fragentyp „k aus n” in Multiple-Choice-Klausuren [Experiences with item type “k from n” in multiple-choice-tests]. Med Ausbild 2001;18:73-76 [FREE Full text]8]], both OR 0.451).

Table 3. Results of multiple logistic regression analyses regarding the effect of item quality on scoring results (≥0.6 vs <0.6 credit points).
Method numberPick-NMultiple-True-False

Use of inappropriate item type (yes vs no)Presence of cues (yes vs no)Use of inappropriate item type (yes vs no)Presence of cues (yes vs no)

ORa (95% CI)P value OR (95% CI)P value OR (95% CI)P value OR (95% CI)P value
10.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
20.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.983 (0.446-2.393).972.365 (1.015-6.460).06
30.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
40.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
50.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
60.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
70.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
80.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
100.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.983 (0.446-2.393).972.365 (1.015-6.460).06
110.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.983 (0.446-2.393).972.365 (1.015-6.460).06
120.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
130.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
140.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
160.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
170.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
180.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
190.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
200.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
210.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
220.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).212.103 (1.300-3.538).0035.432 (3.231-9.730)<.001
230.489 (0.379-0.629)<.0011.364 (1.074-1.737).012.482 (1.501-4.310).0015.349 (3.178-9.590)<.001
240.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
250.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
260.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
270.480 (0.371-0.616)<.0011.394 (1.098-1.775).0074.776 (2.401-10.911)<.0013.799 (2.227-6.877)<.001
280.486 (0.376-0.625)<.0011.374 (1.082-1.750).0093.802 (1.957-8.320)<.0016.537 (3.393-14.220)<.001
290.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.927 (0.544-1.635).792.776 (1.540-5.382).001
300.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).252.993 (2.027-4.494)<.0016.977 (4.743-10.515)<.001
310.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).252.993 (2.027-4.494)<.0016.977 (4.743-10.515)<.001
320.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.625 (0.420-0.940).020.451 (0.314-0.644)<.001
330.489 (0.379-0.629)<.0011.364 (1.074-1.737).011.331 (0.788-2.346).303.679 (2.065-7.074)<.001
340.480 (0.371-0.616)<.0011.394 (1.098-1.775).0071.271 (0.878-1.867).210.849 (0.618-1.169).31
350.480 (0.371-0.616)<.0011.394 (1.098-1.775).0074.335 (2.247-9.441)<.0013.427 (2.054-6.020)<.001
360.250 (0.092-0.574).0021.887 (0.938-3.982).080.625 (0.420-0.940).020.451 (0.314-0.644)<.001
370.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).251.778 (1.273-2.496).0012.296 (1.707-3.100)<.001
380.480 (0.371-0.616)<.0011.394 (1.098-1.775).0075.724 (3.167-11.441)<.0010.869 (0.614-1.235).43
390.559 (0.445-0.701)<.0010.870 (0.702-1.080).211.864 (1.331-2.626)<.0012.395 (1.777-3.244)<.001
400.553 (0.440-0.693)<.0010.882 (0.711-1.094).250.964 (0.662-1.421).852.485 (1.704-3.694)<.001
410.480 (0.371-0.616)<.0011.394 (1.098-1.775).0070.984 (0.655-1.504).941.975 (1.325-3.006).001

aOR: odds ratio.

bN/A: not applicable.

Principal Findings

When retrospectively applying the described scoring methods on examination items, the applied scoring method, presence of cues, and use of an inappropriate item type impacted the credit assignment. Therefore, both null hypotheses must be rejected.

Averaged scores differed significantly between different scoring methods for both item types. For Pick-N items, mean scores ranged from 0.50 (method 16) to 0.98 (method 2) credit points for the same markings, while MTF items showed an even bigger range of 0.02 (method 16) to 0.96 (method 2) credit points. Both the use of an inappropriate item type and presence of cues significantly impacted the scoring results. Inappropriately used Pick-N items resulted in lower mean raw scores (mean 0.88, SD 0.20 vs mean 0.93, SD 0.16), while inappropriately used MTF items resulted in higher mean raw scores (mean 0.88, SD 0.19 vs mean 0.85, SD 0.17). The mean raw score from MTF items with cues was 0.91 (SD 0.15), while items without cues resulted in a lower mean raw score of 0.84 (SD 0.18). These differences emphasize the effects of different scoring methods, presence of cues, and inappropriately used item types, as examinees might either pass or fail the examination based on an assumed fixed pass mark of 60% (ie, 0.6 credit points on average). For most scoring methods, item quality impacted the likelihood of scores ≥0.6. Inappropriately used Pick-N items showed a lower likelihood of scores ≥0.6, while inappropriately used MTF items showed a higher likelihood of scores ≥0.6. MTF items containing at least one cue showed a higher likelihood of scores ≥0.6 than items without cues.

Two different types of multiple-select multiple-choice items were used in this study. Between Pick-N and MTF items, examinees’ decision-making and response behaviors are fundamentally different. In Pick-N items, the number of true answer options to be selected is disclosed to examinees. Therefore, marking answer options within Pick-N items is dependent on the marking of all other answer options within the same item [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6]. The metric expected chance score [Albanese MA, Sabers DL. Multiple true-false items: a study of interitem correlations, scoring alternatives, and reliability estimation. J Educ Meas 1988 Jun;25(2):111-123. [CrossRef]23] from random guessing amounts to . In contrast, every statement within an MTF item might be either true or false (including zero or even all statements). Thereby, examinees are forced to independently assess each statement as true or false, and the expected chance score amounts to 0.5n [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5]. Based on these theoretical implications, lower mean scores can be expected if examinees are not aware of the total number of correct answer options/statements (such as in MTF items). To address these differences regarding the relative item difficulty between both item types, local examination guidelines might suggest different scoring methods or pass marks for both item types. This study found scores resulting from both Pick-N and MTF items to vary based on the selected scoring methods. Therefore, examination results should only be interpreted in light of the employed scoring method or methods.

Within this study, items were extracted from different examinations covering a broad range of topics and learning objectives. Therefore, no direct comparison of the item difficulty between MTF and Pick-N items was made. Instead, the effect of item quality was assessed. Inappropriately used MTF items resulted in higher mean raw scores, while inappropriately used Pick-N items resulted in lower mean raw scores. This observation might be attributed to the definitions regarding the correct use of Pick-N and MTF items. MTF items require more complex statements than Pick-N items [Case SM, Swanson DB. Pick N items: an extension of the extended-matching format. In: Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: National Board of Medical Examiners; 2001:99-103.7,Krebs R. Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prüfungen für die ärztliche Ausbildung [Instructions for preparing multiple-choice items and multiple-choice examinations in medical education]. Bern, Switzerland: Department for Assessment and Evaluation, Institute for Medical Education, University of Bern; 2004.10]. As a result, MTF items are likely to be overall more complex, requiring higher cognitive skills from examinees. If local examination guidelines suggest different scoring methods or pass marks for both item types to overcome the above-mentioned differences between both item types, the use of an inappropriate item type might result in either an inflation (in case of inappropriately used MTF items) or deduction (in case of inappropriately used Pick-N items) of scores at or above the pass mark.

Besides item types used inappropriately, cues were found to impact scoring results. While the mean raw scores of Pick-N items with and without cues did not differ, the presence of cues in MTF items resulted in a higher proportion of correctly marked statements. Thus, MTF showed a higher susceptibility to cues. As examinees are likely to consider cues during their decision-making process, educators should carefully evaluate each item using a checklist for quality assessment and cues (eg, grammar hints, diametrical statements, or absolute formulations) to eliminate cues prior to its use in an examination.

Besides selecting an appropriate item type, educators need to select an adequate scoring method. In contrast to single-choice items, scoring of multiple-select items is complicated as examinees might give partially correct responses. In recent systematic reviews, a total of 41 scoring methods for MTF and Pick-N items were described [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5,Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6]. Scoring methods focusing on the number of correct responses instead of the number of true answer options/statements marked as true (tm) and accurately discriminating between different levels of knowledge are most frequently recommended [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5]. Scoring methods yielding negative scores should not be used because of jurisdictional reasons [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5,Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using multiple true-false items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Kubinger KD. Gutachten zur Erstellung „gerichtsfester” Multiple-Choice-Prüfungsaufgaben [Expert opinion on the creation of “lawful” multiple-choice items]. Psychologische Rundschau 2014 Jul;65(3):169-178. [CrossRef]24]. However, available item types and scoring methods are often set by local examination guidelines.

Overall, the results of this retrospective assessment of real examination data confirm the assumption that credit assignment on MTF and Pick-N items differs between varying scoring methods. Furthermore, it was shown that item quality characteristics like selection of an appropriate item type and avoidance of cues have a significant effect on scoring results in the case of most scoring methods.

Strengths and Limitations

The strengths of this assessment include the use of up to 41 scoring methods and a high number of marking events (Pick-N items: 1931; MTF items: 828). Previous studies on this topic were based on theoretical calculations only [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]5,Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]6] or used a smaller number of different scoring methods/item types [Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using multiple true-false items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]18]. For each item, quality was assessed based on a validated checklist. However, a number of limitations are present. First, items were derived from previous examinations, which resulted in an unequal distribution of both item types. While 48 Pick-N items were included, only 18 MTF items were assessed. Second, all items were extracted from different examinations covering a broad range of topics. Therefore, no direct comparison of the item difficulty between MTF and Pick-N items was possible. Third, no further predictor variables (eg, student-related variables such as age and gender) were available due to the retrospective and anonymous design.

Future Directions

To address these limitations, further prospective studies should evaluate different scoring methods and item types by employing matched items on the same learning objectives. Moreover, further predictor variables (eg, student-related variables such as age and gender) should be considered.


Educators should pay attention when using multiple-select multiple-choice items. Scoring and awarding credit are more complex for multiple-select multiple-choice items than for single-choice items. This manuscript may guide educators to make informed decisions regarding the use of multiple-select multiple-choice items.

Different item types, different scoring methods, and presence of cues are likely to impact examinees’ scores and overall examination results. Therefore, educators should carefully select the most appropriate item type. Moreover, cues should be avoided as far as possible. Finally, examination results should be interpreted in light of the used item type and applied scoring method.


This study was funded by the Kurt Kaltenbach Stiftung, Germany. The authors acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of Göttingen University. The funder had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Data Availability

The data sets generated during or analyzed during this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Authors' Contributions

PK, AW, and TR contributed to the study’s conception and design. PK, MH, AW, and TR assessed the examination items. PK and DS performed statistical analyses. PK, DS, AW, and TR drafted the manuscript. All authors critically revised the manuscript and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

Scoring methods for Pick-N and Multiple-True-False items as described in the literature.

DOCX File , 38 KB

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MTF: Multiple-True-False
OR: odds ratio

Edited by T Leung; submitted 25.10.22; peer-reviewed by L Jantschi, A Rung; comments to author 15.11.22; revised version received 06.12.22; accepted 25.02.23; published 27.03.23


©Philipp Kanzow, Dennis Schmidt, Manfred Herrmann, Torsten Wassmann, Annette Wiegand, Tobias Raupach. Originally published in JMIR Medical Education (, 27.03.2023.

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