Articles published in 2015 in this theme: 8 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Robert Kleinert, Nadine Heiermann, Patrick Sven Plum, Roger Wahba, De-Hua Chang, Martin Maus, Seung-Hun Chon, Arnulf H Hoelscher, Dirk Ludger Stippel
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Nov 17); 17(11):e263Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Athos Antoniades, Iolie Nicolaidou, Dimitris Spachos, Jarkko Mylläri, Daniela Giordano, Eleni Dafli, Evangelia Mitsopoulou, Christos N Schizas, Constantinos Pattichis, Maria Nikolaidou, Panagiotis Bamidis
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Oct 09); 17(10):e229Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Andrzej A Kononowicz, Anne H Berman, Natalia Stathakarou, Cormac McGrath, Tomasz Bartyński, Piotr Nowakowski, Maciej Malawski, Nabil Zary
JMIR Med Educ 2015 (Sep 10); 1(2):e8Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ronny Lehmann, Christiane Thiessen, Barbara Frick, Hans Martin Bosse, Christoph Nikendei, Georg Friedrich Hoffmann, Burkhard Tönshoff, Sören Huwendiek
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Jul 02); 17(7):e162Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Luke A Woodham, Rachel H Ellaway, Jonathan Round, Sophie Vaughan, Terry Poulton, Nabil Zary
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Jun 18); 17(6):e151Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

3D Immersive Patient Simulators and Their Impact on Learning Success: A Thematic Review
Robert Kleinert, Roger Wahba, De-Hua Chang, Patrick Plum, Arnulf H Hölscher, Dirk L Stippel
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Apr 08); 17(4):e91Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Training With Virtual Patients in Transcultural Psychiatry: Do the Learners Actually Learn?
Ioannis Pantziaras, Uno Fors, Solvig Ekblad
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Feb 16); 17(2):e46Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Virtual Patients on the Semantic Web: A Proof-of-Application Study
Eleni Dafli, Panagiotis Antoniou, Lazaros Ioannidis, Nicholas Dombros, David Topps, Panagiotis D Bamidis
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Jan 22); 17(1):e16Download Citation: END BibTex RIS