- Amelie Friederike Kanzow1, MEd ;
- Dennis Schmidt2, MSc ;
- Philipp Kanzow2, MSc, Dr rer medic, PD Dr med dent
1Study Deanery, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
2Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Corresponding Author:
Philipp Kanzow, MSc, Dr rer medic, PD Dr med dent
Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology
University Medical Center Göttingen
Robert-Koch-Strasse 40
Göttingen, 37075
Phone: 49 551 3960870
Fax:49 551 3960869
Background: Single-choice items (eg, best-answer items, alternate-choice items, single true-false items) are 1 type of multiple-choice items and have been used in examinations for over 100 years. At the end of every examination, the examinees’ responses have to be analyzed and scored to derive information about examinees’ true knowledge.
Objective: The aim of this paper is to compile scoring methods for individual single-choice items described in the literature. Furthermore, the metric expected chance score and the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and expected scoring results (averaged percentage score) are analyzed. Besides, implications for potential pass marks to be used in examinations to test examinees for a predefined level of true knowledge are derived.
Methods: Scoring methods for individual single-choice items were extracted from various databases (ERIC, PsycInfo, Embase via Ovid, MEDLINE via PubMed) in September 2020. Eligible sources reported on scoring methods for individual single-choice items in written examinations including but not limited to medical education. Separately for items with n=2 answer options (eg, alternate-choice items, single true-false items) and best-answer items with n=5 answer options (eg, Type A items) and for each identified scoring method, the metric expected chance score and the expected scoring results as a function of examinees’ true knowledge using fictitious examinations with 100 single-choice items were calculated.
Results: A total of 21 different scoring methods were identified from the 258 included sources, with varying consideration of correctly marked, omitted, and incorrectly marked items. Resulting credit varied between –3 and +1 credit points per item. For items with n=2 answer options, expected chance scores from random guessing ranged between –1 and +0.75 credit points. For items with n=5 answer options, expected chance scores ranged between –2.2 and +0.84 credit points. All scoring methods showed a linear relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the expected scoring results. Depending on the scoring method used, examination results differed considerably: Expected scoring results from examinees with 50% true knowledge ranged between 0.0% (95% CI 0% to 0%) and 87.5% (95% CI 81.0% to 94.0%) for items with n=2 and between –60.0% (95% CI –60% to –60%) and 92.0% (95% CI 86.7% to 97.3%) for items with n=5.
Conclusions: In examinations with single-choice items, the scoring result is not always equivalent to examinees’ true knowledge. When interpreting examination scores and setting pass marks, the number of answer options per item must usually be taken into account in addition to the scoring method used.
Multiple-choice items in single-response item formats (ie, single-choice items) require examinees to mark only 1 answer option or to make only 1 decision per item. The most frequently used item type among the group of single-choice items is the so-called best-answer items. Here, examinees must select exactly 1 (ie, the correct or most likely) answer option from the given answer options [Krebs R. Prüfen mit Multiple Choice: Kompetent planen, entwickeln, durchführen und auswerten [Testing with Multiple Choice: Plan, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate Competently]. Bern, Switzerland: Hogrefe; 2019.1]. Often, best-answer items contain 5 answer options, although the number of answer options might vary (n≥2). Items with exactly 2 answer options are also referred to as alternative items (ie, alternate-choice items) [Ebel RL. Proposed solutions to two problems of test construction. J Educ Meas 1982 Dec;19(4):267-278. [CrossRef]2]. In addition, single true-false items belong to the group of single-choice items. Examples of the mentioned single-choice items as well as alternative designations are shown in Figure 1.
Single-choice items have been used for more than 100 years to test examinees’ knowledge. The use of these items began among US school pupils, who were given alternate‑choice or best-answer items [Kelly FJ. The Kansas silent reading test. J Educ Psychol 1916 Feb;7(2):63-80. [CrossRef]3] or single true-false items [McCall WA. A new kind of school examination. J Educ Res 1920;1(1):33-46. [CrossRef]4] as a time-saving alternative to conventional open-ended questions (ie, essay-type examinations). Because of their character of only allowing clearly correct or incorrect responses from examinees, multiple-choice examinations were also called objective type examinations [Ruch GM, Stoddard GD. Comparative reliabilities of five types of objective examinations. J Educ Psychol 1925 Feb;16(2):89-103. [CrossRef]5]. The term new type examinations was coined to distinguish them from previously commonly used open-ended questions [Ruch GM, Stoddard GD. Comparative reliabilities of five types of objective examinations. J Educ Psychol 1925 Feb;16(2):89-103. [CrossRef]5,Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6].
The use of multiple-choice items did not remain exclusive to the setting of high schools but also extended to examinations in university contexts [Lindner MA, Strobel B, Köller O. Multiple-Choice-Prüfungen an Hochschulen? [Are multiple-choice exams useful for universities? A literature review and argument for a more practice oriented research]. Z Pädagog Psychol 2015 Oct;29(3-4):133-149. [CrossRef]7] and postgraduate medical education [Mathysen DGP, Aclimandos W, Roelant E, Wouters K, Creuzot-Garcher C, Ringens PJ, et al. Evaluation of adding item-response theory analysis for evaluation of the European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma examination. Acta Ophthalmol 2013 Nov;91(7):e573-e577 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Rutgers DR, van Raamt F, van der Gijp A, Mol C, Ten Cate O. Determinants of difficulty and discriminating power of image-based test items in postgraduate radiological examinations. Acad Radiol 2018 May;25(5):665-672. [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. Today, multiple-choice items are frequently used in examinations of medical and dental students (eg, within the United States Medical Licensing Examination). Besides their usage in individual medical or dental programs, different multiple-choice item types found their way into examinations for medical students by the National Board of Medical Examiners [Hubbard JP. Measuring Medical Education: The Tests and Test Procedures of the National Board of Medical Examiners. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger; 1971.10]: within the context of single-choice items, those with n=5 were particularly used and referred to as Type A items.
Examinations aim at assessing examinees’ ability (ie, examinees’ true knowledge [k]) regarding predefined learning objectives. The downside when using multiple-choice examinations is that examinees might also mark an item correctly by guessing or by identifying the correct answer option through recognition. Thus, an active knowledge reproduction does not necessarily take place, and correct responses are not necessarily resulting from examinees’ true knowledge.
To grade examinees or to decide about passing or failing a summative examination based on a minimum required level of true knowledge, scoring algorithms are used to transfer examinees’ responses (ie, marking schemes) into a score. To assess examinees’ true knowledge, the obtained scores must either be reduced by the guessing factor, negative points (ie, malus points) must be assigned for incorrectly marked items, or the pass mark (ie, the corresponding cutoff score for the desired true knowledge cutoff value) must be adjusted based on the guessing probability [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]11]. The guessing probability for examinees without any knowledge (k=0, blind guessing only) amounts to 20% for single-choice items with n=5 and to 50% for alternate-choice items and single true-false items with n=2. Consequently, examinees without any knowledge score 20% or 50% of the maximum score on average, respectively [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]11]. However, it can be assumed that most examinees have at least partial knowledge (0<k<1) and that an informed guessing with remaining partial uncertainty occurs in most cases.
Since the introduction of multiple-choice items, numerous scoring methods have been described in the literature and (medical) educators are advised to choose an appropriate scoring method based on an informed decision. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review is (1) to map an overview of different scoring methods for individual single-choice items described in the literature, (2) to compare different scoring methods based on the metric expected chance score, and (3) to analyze the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and expected scoring results (averaged percentage score).

Systematic Literature Search
The literature search was performed according to the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist [Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Ann Intern Med 2018 Oct 02;169(7):467-473 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]12]. The checklist is available as PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.Multimedia Appendix 1
Eligibility Criteria
Potentially eligible sources were scientific articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and congress abstracts reporting scoring methods for individual single-choice items in written examinations including but not limited to medical examinations. Scoring methods for item groups and scoring on examination level (eg, with different weighting of individual items, with mixed item types, or considering the total number of items per examination) were not assessed. Further, scoring methods that deviate from the usual marking procedure (ie, a single choice of marking exactly 1 answer option per item) were not considered. These include, for example, procedures that assess the confidence of examinees in their marking (eg, confidence weighting), let examinees select the incorrect answer options (eg, elimination scoring), let examinees narrow down the correct answer option (eg, subset selection), or allow for the correction of initially incorrectly marked items (eg, answer-until-correct). No further specifications were made regarding language, quality (eg, minimum impact factor), or time of publication.
Information Sources
Four databases (ERIC, PsycInfo, Embase via Ovid, and MEDLINE via PubMed) were searched in September 2020. The search term was composed of various designations for single-choice items as well as keywords with regard to examinations. It was slightly adapted according to the specifications of the individual databases. The respective search terms for each database can be found in Table 1.
Database | Search term |
ERIC | (“single choice” OR “alternate choice” OR “single response” OR “one-best-answer” OR “single best response” OR “true-false” OR “Typ A”) AND (item OR items OR test OR tests OR testing OR score OR scoring OR examination OR examinations) |
PsycInfo | (“single choice” OR “alternate choice” OR “single response” OR “one-best-answer” OR “single best response” OR “true-false” OR “Typ A”) AND (item OR items OR test OR tests OR testing OR score OR scoring OR examination OR examinations) |
Embase via Ovid | ((“single choice” or “alternate choice” or “single response” or “one-best-answer” or “single best response” or “true-false” or “Typ A”) and (item OR items or test or tests or testing or score or scoring or examination or examinations)).af. |
MEDLINE via PubMed | (“single choice”[All Fields] OR “alternate choice”[All Fields] OR “single response”[All Fields] OR “one-best-answer” OR “single best response” OR “true-false”[All Fields] OR “Typ A”[All Fields]) AND (“item”[All Fields] OR “items”[All Fields] OR “test”[All Fields] OR “tests”[All Fields] OR “testing”[All Fields] OR “score”[All Fields] OR “scoring”[All Fields] OR “examination”[All Fields] OR “examinations”[All Fields]) |
Selection of Sources
Literature screening, inclusion of sources, and data extraction were independently performed by 2 authors (AFK and PK). First, the titles and abstracts of the database results were screened. Duplicate results as well as records being irrelevant to the research question were sorted out. For books and book chapters, however, different editions were included separately. In a second step, full-texts sources were screened, and eligible records were included as sources. In addition, the references of included sources were searched in an additional hand search for further, potentially relevant sources. After each step, the results were compared, and any discrepancies were discussed until a consensus was reached. Information with regard to the described scoring methods was extracted using a piloted checklist.
Data Extraction
The following data were extracted from included sources using a piloted spreadsheet if reported: (1) name of the scoring method, (2) associated item type, and (3) algorithm for calculating scores per item. The mathematical equations of each scoring method were adjusted to achieve normalization of scores up to a maximum of +1 point per item if necessary.
Data Synthesis
For all identified scoring methods, the expected scoring results in case of pure guessing were calculated for single-choice items with n=2 and n=5 answer options, respectively [Albanese MA, Sabers DL. Multiple true-false items: a study of interitem correlations, scoring alternatives, and reliability estimation. J Educ Meas 1988 Jun;25(2):111-123. [CrossRef]13]. The expected chance score is described in the literature as a comparative metric of different scoring methods [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]11,Albanese MA, Sabers DL. Multiple true-false items: a study of interitem correlations, scoring alternatives, and reliability estimation. J Educ Meas 1988 Jun;25(2):111-123. [CrossRef]13-Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using Multiple True-False items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]15]. For its calculation, examinees without any knowledge (k=0) are expected to always guess blindly and thus achieve the expected chance score on average.
In addition, expected scoring results for varying levels of k (0≤k≤1) were calculated. For examinees with partial knowledge (0<k<1), a correct response can be attributed to both partial knowledge and guessing, with the proportion of guessing decreasing as knowledge increases. By contrast, examinees with perfect knowledge (k=1) always select the correct answer option without the need for guessing [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]11].
Examinees were expected to answer all items, and it was supposed that examinees were unable to omit individual items or that examinees do not use an omit option. Furthermore, all items and answer options were assumed to be of equal difficulty and to not contain any cues. The calculation of the expected scoring result is shown in the following equation:
where f are the credit points awarded for a correctly marked item (i=1) or an incorrectly marked item (i=0) depending on the scoring method used; k is the examinees’ true knowledge [0≤k≤1]; n is the number of answer options per item; x=1 if the correct answer option is selected by true knowledge, otherwise x=0; in the equation shown, 00 is defined as 1.
MATLAB software (version R2019b; The MathWorks) was used to calculate the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the expected scoring results using fictitious examinations consisting of 100 single-choice items (all items with either n=2 or n=5).
Within the literature search, a total of 3892 records were found through database search. Of these, 129 sources could be included. A further 129 sources were identified from the references of the included sources by hand search. The entire process of screening and including sources is shown in Excluded sources after screening of full texts.Figure 2. Reasons for exclusion of sources during full-text screening are given in
Multimedia Appendix 2
The included sources describe 21 different scoring methods for single-choice items. In the following subsections, all scoring methods are described with their corresponding scoring formulas for calculating examination results as absolute scores (S). In addition, an overview with the respective scoring results for individual items as well as alternative names used in the literature is presented in Table 2. All abbreviations used throughout this review are listed at the end of this review.

Method number and sources | Scoring method | Algorithma-e |
1 [Ruch GM, Stoddard GD. Comparative reliabilities of five types of objective examinations. J Educ Psychol 1925 Feb;16(2):89-103. [CrossRef]5,Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6,Toops HA. Trade Tests in Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1921.16-May MA. Measuring achievement in elementary psychology and in other college subjects. School Soc 1923;17(435):472-476.172] |
| f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (otherwise) |
2 [Lindquist EF. Educational Measurement. Washington, DC: American Council on Education; 1951.37,Guilford JP. Psychometric Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1954.41,Ebel RL. Measuring Educational Achievement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1965.46,Traub RE, Hambleton RK, Singh B. Effects of promised reward and threatened penalty on performance of a multiple-choice vocabulary test. Educ Psychol Meas 1969;29(4):847-861. [CrossRef]53,Brandenburg DC, Whitney DR. Matched pair true-false scoring: effect on reliability and validity. J Educ Meas 1972 Dec;9(4):297-302. [CrossRef]58,Ebel RL. Essentials of Educational Measurement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1972.60, Abu-Sayf FK. Relative effectiveness of the conventional formula score. J Educ Res 1975;69(4):160-162. [CrossRef]65,Lord FM. Formula scoring and number-right scoring. J Educ Meas 1975 Mar;12(1):7-11. [CrossRef]67,Abu-Sayf FK. Recent developments in the scoring of multiple-choice items. Educ Rev 1979;31(3):269-279. [CrossRef]79-Ebel RL. Essentials of Educational Measurement. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1979.81,Hopkins KD, Stanley JC. Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation. 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1981.87,Nitko AJ. Educational Tests and Measurement: An Introduction. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; 1983.91, Crocker LM, Algina J. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. Orlando, FL: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1986.98,Budescu D, Bar-Hillel M. To guess or not to guess: a decision-theoretic view of formula scoring. J Educ Meas 1993 Dec;30(4):277-291. [CrossRef]111,Nitko AJ. Educational Assessment of Students. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall; 1996.122,Nitko AJ. Educational Assessment of Students. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall; 2001.137,Remmers HH, Gage NL. Educational Measurement and Evaluation. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers; 1955.173-Burton RF. Quantifying the effects of chance in multiple choice and true/false tests: question selection and guessing of answers. Ass Eval High Educ 2001 Jan;26(1):41-50. [CrossRef]180] |
| f=1 (if i=1) f=1/n (if o=1) f=0 (otherwise) |
3 [Costagliola G, Ferrucci F, Fuccella V, Oliveto R. eWorkbook: a computer aided assessment system. Int J Distance Educ Technologies 2007;5(3):24-41. [CrossRef]154] | Fair penalty [Costagliola G, Ferrucci F, Fuccella V, Oliveto R. eWorkbook: a computer aided assessment system. Int J Distance Educ Technologies 2007;5(3):24-41. [CrossRef]154] | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = 1 – 1/n (otherwise) |
4 [Foster RR, Ruch GM. On corrections for chance in multiple-response tests. J Educ Psychol 1927 Jan;18(1):48-51. [CrossRef]181] | N/Ag | f = 1/(n – 1) (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=0 (otherwise) |
5 [Abu-Sayf FK. The scoring of multiple choice tests: a closer look. Educ Technol 1979;19(6):5-15.80,Aiken LR. Testing with multiple-choice items. J Res Develop Educ 1987;20(4):44-58.100,Little EB. Overcorrection for guessing in multiple-choice test scoring. J Educ Res 1962;55(6):245-252. [CrossRef]182] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –1/[2 (n – 1)] (otherwise) |
6 [Ruch GM, Stoddard GD. Comparative reliabilities of five types of objective examinations. J Educ Psychol 1925 Feb;16(2):89-103. [CrossRef]5,Ruch GM, Degraff MH, Gordon WE, McGregor JB, Maupin N, Murdock JR. Objective Examination Methods in the Social Studies. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company; 1926.23-Cocks AW. The Pedagogical Value of the True-False Examination. Baltimore, MD: Warwick and York; 1929.29,Rinsland HD. Constructing Tests and Grading in Elementary and High School Subjects. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall; 1937.34,Lindquist EF. Educational Measurement. Washington, DC: American Council on Education; 1951.37,Hubbard JP, Clemans WV. Multiple-Choice Examinations in Medicine: A Guide for Examiner and Examinee. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger; 1961.44, Ebel RL. Measuring Educational Achievement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1965.46,Cooper B, Foy JM. Guessing in multiple-choice tests. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):212-215. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Gronlund NE. Constructing Achievement Tests. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1968.50,Sax G, Collet L. The effects of differing instructions and guessing formulas on reliability and validity. Educ Psychol Meas 1968;28(4):1127-1136. [CrossRef]51,Traub RE, Hambleton RK, Singh B. Effects of promised reward and threatened penalty on performance of a multiple-choice vocabulary test. Educ Psychol Meas 1969;29(4):847-861. [CrossRef]53-Lyman HB. Test Scores and What They Mean. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1971.57, Campbell CVT, Milne WJ. The Principles of Objective Testing in Chemistry. London, UK: Heinemann Educational Books; 1972.59-Diamond J, Evans W. The correction for guessing. Rev Educ Res 1973;43(2):181-191. [CrossRef]62,Hill GC, Woods GT. Multiple true-false questions. Educ Chem 1974;11(3):86-87. [CrossRef]64,Abu-Sayf FK. Relative effectiveness of the conventional formula score. J Educ Res 1975;69(4):160-162. [CrossRef]65,Lord FM. Formula scoring and number-right scoring. J Educ Meas 1975 Mar;12(1):7-11. [CrossRef]67,Brown FG. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1976.68, Albanese MA, Kent TH, Whitney DR. A comparison of the difficulty, reliability and validity of complex multiple choice, multiple response and multiple true-false items. Annu Conf Res Med Educ 1977;16:105-110. [Medline]70,Cross LH, Frary RB. An empirical test of Lord’s theoretical results regarding formula scoring of multiple-choice tests. J Educ Meas 1977 Dec;14(4):313-321. [CrossRef]71,Reid F. An alternative scoring formula for multiple-choice and true-false tests. J Educ Res 1977;70(6):335-339. [CrossRef]74,Whitby LG. Marking systems for multiple choice examinations. Med Educ 1977 May;11(3):216-220. [CrossRef] [Medline]75,Abu-Sayf FK. Recent developments in the scoring of multiple-choice items. Educ Rev 1979;31(3):269-279. [CrossRef]79-Ebel RL. Essentials of Educational Measurement. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1979.81, Bliss LB. A test of Lord’s assumption regarding examinee guessing behavior on multiple-choice tests using elementary school students. J Educ Meas 1980 Jun;17(2):147-153. [CrossRef]85-Anderson J. Hand-scoring of multiple choice questions. Med Educ 1983 Mar;17(2):122-133. [CrossRef] [Medline]88,Nitko AJ. Educational Tests and Measurement: An Introduction. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; 1983.91,Angoff WH, Schrader WB. A study of hypotheses basic to the use of rights and formula scores. J Educ Meas 1984 Mar;21(1):1-17. [CrossRef]92,Crocker LM, Algina J. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. Orlando, FL: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1986.98-Friedman MA, Hopwood LE, Moulder JE, Cox JD. The potential use of the discouraging random guessing (DRG) approach in multiple-choice exams in medical education. Med Teach 1987;9(3):333-341. [CrossRef] [Medline]101, Cangelosi JS. Designing Tests for Evaluating Student Achievement. White Plains, NY: Longman; 1990.105,Popham WJ. Modern Educational Measurement: A Practitioner’s Perspective. 2nd ed. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon; 1990.106,Budescu D, Bar-Hillel M. To guess or not to guess: a decision-theoretic view of formula scoring. J Educ Meas 1993 Dec;30(4):277-291. [CrossRef]111,Gronlund NE. How to Make Achievement Tests and Assessments. 5th ed. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon; 1993.113,Linn RL, Gronlund NE. Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. 7th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merril; 1995.120,Nitko AJ. Educational Assessment of Students. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall; 1996.122, Ben-Simon A, Budescu DV, Nevo B. A comparative study of measures of partial knowledge in multiple-choice tests. Appl Psychol Meas 1997;21(1):65-88. [CrossRef]124-Gronlund NE. Assessment of Student Achievement. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon; 1998.126,Agble PK. A Psychometric Analysis of Different Scoring Strategies in Statistics Assessment [PhD dissertation]. 1999. URL: [accessed 2023-04-22] 128,Burton RF, Miller DJ. Statistical modelling of multiple-choice and true/false tests: ways of considering, and of reducing, the uncertainties attributable to guessing. Ass Eval High Educ 1999;24(4):399-411. [CrossRef]130,Linn RL, Gronlund NE. Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. 8th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merril; 2000.134,Beeckmans R, Eyckmans J, Janssens V, Dufranne M, Van de Velde H. Examining the yes/no vocabulary test: some methodological issues in theory and practice. Lang Test 2001;18(3):235-274. [CrossRef]135, Nitko AJ. Educational Assessment of Students. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall; 2001.137-Bereby-Meyer Y, Meyer J, Flascher OM. Prospect theory analysis of guessing in multiple choice tests. J Behav Decis Making 2002 Oct;15(4):313-327. [CrossRef]139,Bradbard DA, Parker DF, Stone GL. An alternate multiple-choice scoring procedure in a macroeconomics course. Decis Sci J Innov Educ 2004 Jan 16;2(1):11-26. [CrossRef]144,Burton RF. Multiple choice and true/false tests: reliability measures and some implications of negative marking. Ass Eval High Educ 2004 Oct;29(5):585-595. [CrossRef]145,Arnold MM, Higham PA, Martín-Luengo B. A little bias goes a long way: the effects of feedback on the strategic regulation of accuracy on formula-scored tests. J Exp Psychol Appl 2013 Dec;19(4):383-402. [CrossRef] [Medline]160,Vander Beken H, Brysbaert M. Studying texts in a second language: the importance of test type. Bil Lang Cog 2017 Jul 31;21(5):1062-1074. [CrossRef]169, Remmers HH, Gage NL. Educational Measurement and Evaluation. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers; 1955.173-Rogers HJ. Guessing in multiple choice tests. In: Masters GN, Keeves JP, editors. Advances in Measurement in Educational Research and Assessment. Kidlington, UK: Pergamon; 1999.179,Little EB. Overcorrection for guessing in multiple-choice test scoring. J Educ Res 1962;55(6):245-252. [CrossRef]182-Oosterhof A. Classroom Applications of Educational Measurement. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 2001.225] |
| f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –1/(n – 1) (otherwise) |
7 [Petz B. Penalizirati ili ne penalizirati pogrešne odgovore u testovima znanja alternativnog tipa [To penalize or not to penalize false answers in the achievement tests of the alternative type]. Revija za Psihologiju 1978;8(1-2):49-56.226] | N/A | f = 1/(n – 1) (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –1/(n – 1) (otherwise) |
8 [Guilford JP. Psychometric Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1954.41] | N/A | f = (n – 1)/n (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –1/n (otherwise) |
9 [Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6,Cooper B, Foy JM. Guessing in multiple-choice tests. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):212-215. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Diamond J, Evans W. The correction for guessing. Rev Educ Res 1973;43(2):181-191. [CrossRef]62,Anderson J. Hand-scoring of multiple choice questions. Med Educ 1983 Mar;17(2):122-133. [CrossRef] [Medline]88,Beullens J, Jaspaert H. Het examen met meerkeuzevragen [Multiple choice examination]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;55(7):529-535. [CrossRef]224,Slakter MJ. The effect of guessing strategy on objective test scores. J Educ Meas 1968 Sep;5(3):217-222. [CrossRef]227,Bush M. A multiple choice test that rewards partial knowledge. J Further High Educ 2001 Jun;25(2):157-163. [CrossRef]228] | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–1/3 (otherwise) | |
10i [Gupta RK, Penfold DME. Correction for guessing in true-false tests: an experimental approach. Brit J Educ Psychol 1961;31(P3):249-256. [CrossRef]229] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–0.48 (otherwise) |
11 [Brinkley SG. Values of New Type Examinations in the High School. With Special Reference to History. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1924.18,Ruch GM, Degraff MH, Gordon WE, McGregor JB, Maupin N, Murdock JR. Objective Examination Methods in the Social Studies. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company; 1926.23,Guilford JP. Psychometric Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1954.41,Diamond J, Evans W. The correction for guessing. Rev Educ Res 1973;43(2):181-191. [CrossRef]62,Harden RM, Brown RA, Biran LA, Dallas Ross WP, Wakeford RE. Multiple choice questions: to guess or not to guess. Med Educ 1976 Jan;10(1):27-32. [CrossRef] [Medline]69,Beullens J, Jaspaert H. Het examen met meerkeuzevragen [Multiple choice examination]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999;55(7):529-535. [CrossRef]224,Gupta RK, Penfold DME. Correction for guessing in true-false tests: an experimental approach. Brit J Educ Psychol 1961;31(P3):249-256. [CrossRef]229-Gajjar S, Sharma R, Kumar P, Rana M. Item and test analysis to identify quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from an assessment of medical students of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Indian J Community Med 2014 Jan;39(1):17-20 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]234] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–0.5 (otherwise) |
12i [Gupta RK, Penfold DME. Correction for guessing in true-false tests: an experimental approach. Brit J Educ Psychol 1961;31(P3):249-256. [CrossRef]229,Gupta RK. A new approach to correction in true false tests. Educ Psychol (Delhi) 1957;4(2):63-75.231] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–0.6 (otherwise) |
13 [McCall WA. A new kind of school examination. J Educ Res 1920;1(1):33-46. [CrossRef]4,Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6,Toops HA. Trade Tests in Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1921.16-Farwell HW. The new type examinations in physics. School Soc 1924;19(481):315-322.19,Boyd W. An exploration of the true-false method of examination. Forum Educ 1926;4:34-38.21-Wood EP. Improving the validity of collegiate achievement tests. J Educ Psychol 1927 Jan;18(1):18-25. [CrossRef]25, Cocks AW. The Pedagogical Value of the True-False Examination. Baltimore, MD: Warwick and York; 1929.29-Hawkes HE, Lindquist EF, Mann CR. The Construction and Use of Achievement Examinations: A Manual for Secondary School Teachers. Bostan, MA: Houghton Mifflin; 1936.33,Heston JC. How to Take a Test. Oxford, UK: Science Research Associates; 1953.38,Keislar ER. Test instructions and scoring method in true-false tests. J Exp Educ 1953;21(3):243-249. [CrossRef]39,Sherriffs AC, Boomer DS. Who is penalized by the penalty for guessing? J Educ Psychol 1954 Feb;45(2):81-90. [CrossRef]42,Davis FB. Use of correction for chance success in test scoring. Educ Meas 1959;52(7):279-280. [CrossRef]43, Durost WN, Prescott GA. Essentials of Measurement for Teachers. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World; 1962.45,Lennox B. Multiple choice. Br J Med Educ 1967 Dec;1(5):340-344. [Medline]49,Macintosh HG, Morrison RB. Objective Testing. London, UK: University of London Press; 1969.52,Houston JG. The Principles of Objective Testing in Physics. London, UK: Heinemann Educational Books; 1970.55,Harden RM, Brown RA, Biran LA, Dallas Ross WP, Wakeford RE. Multiple choice questions: to guess or not to guess. Med Educ 1976 Jan;10(1):27-32. [CrossRef] [Medline]69,Eakin RR, Long CA. Dodging the dilemma of true-false testing. Educ Psychol Meas 1977;37(3):659-663. [CrossRef]72, Aiken LR, Williams EN. Effects of instructions, option keying, and knowledge of test material on seven methods of scoring two-option items. Educ Psychol Meas 1978;38(1):53-59. [CrossRef]76,Hsu LM. A comparison of three methods of scoring true-false tests. Educ Psychol Meas 1979;39(4):785-790. [CrossRef]82,Nnodim JO. Multiple-choice testing in anatomy. Med Educ 1992 Jul;26(4):301-309. [CrossRef] [Medline]110,Burton RF, Miller DJ. Statistical modelling of multiple-choice and true/false tests: ways of considering, and of reducing, the uncertainties attributable to guessing. Ass Eval High Educ 1999;24(4):399-411. [CrossRef]130,Muijtjens AMM, Mameren HV, Hoogenboom RJI, Evers JLH, van der Vleuten CPM. The effect of a ‘don’t know’ option on test scores: number-right and formula scoring compared. Med Educ 1999 Apr;33(4):267-275. [CrossRef] [Medline]132,Burton RF. Misinformation, partial knowledge and guessing in true/false tests. Med Educ 2002 Sep;36(9):805-811. [CrossRef] [Medline]140, Anderson J. Multiple choice questions revisited. Med Teach 2004 Mar;26(2):110-113. [CrossRef] [Medline]143,Costagliola G, Ferrucci F, Fuccella V, Oliveto R. eWorkbook: a computer aided assessment system. Int J Distance Educ Technologies 2007;5(3):24-41. [CrossRef]154,Wakabayashi T, Guskin K. The effect of an “unsure” option on early childhood professionals’ pre- and post-training knowledge assessments. Am J Eval 2010 Sep 03;31(4):486-498. [CrossRef]157,Ravesloot CJ, Van der Schaaf MF, Muijtjens AMM, Haaring C, Kruitwagen CLJJ, Beek FJA, et al. The don’t know option in progress testing. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2015 Dec;20(5):1325-1338 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]164,May MA. Measuring achievement in elementary psychology and in other college subjects. School Soc 1923;17(435):472-476.172,Wood HP. Objective test forms for school certificate physics. Br J Educ Psych 1943;13(3):141-146. [CrossRef]190, Weitzman E, McNamara WJ. Scoring and Grading the Examination. Constructing Classroom Examinations: A Guide for Teachers. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates; 1949.193,Koeslag JH, Melzer CW, Schach SR. Inversions in true/false and in multiple choice questions—a new form of item analysis. Med Educ 1979 Nov;13(6):420-424. [CrossRef] [Medline]215,Bergman J. Understanding Educational Measurement and Evaluation. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin; 1981.216,Ellington H. Objective Questions. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK: Scottish Central Institutions Committee for Educational Development; 1987.219,Gupta RK, Penfold DME. Correction for guessing in true-false tests: an experimental approach. Brit J Educ Psychol 1961;31(P3):249-256. [CrossRef]229,Sanderson PH. The ‘don’t know’ option in MCQ examinations. Br J Med Educ 1973 Mar;7(1):25-29. [Medline]232, Anderson J. Marking of multiple choice questions. In: The Multiple Choice Question in Medicine. 2nd ed. London, UK: Pitman Books Limited; 1982:45-58.233,Kohs SC. High test scores attained by subaverage minds. Psychol Bull 1920 Jan;17(1):1-5. [CrossRef]235-Dijksterhuis MGK, Scheele F, Schuwirth LWT, Essed GGM, Nijhuis JG, Braat DDM. Progress testing in postgraduate medical education. Med Teach 2009 Oct;31(10):e464-e468. [CrossRef] [Medline]267] |
| f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–1 (otherwise) |
14i [Lee JM, Symonds PM. New-type or objective tests: a summary of recent investigations. J Educ Psychol 1933 Jan;24(1):21-38. [CrossRef]249,Staffelbach EH. Weighting responses in true-false examinations. J Educ Psychol 1930 Feb;21(2):136-139. [CrossRef]268] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0.7 (if o=1) f=–1 (otherwise) |
15i [Kinney LB, Eurich AC. Studies of the true-false examination. Psychol Bull 1933 Jul;30(7):505-517. [CrossRef]186] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0.7 (if o=1) f=–1.1 (otherwise) |
16 [Miller GF. Formulas for scoring tests in which the maximum amount of chance is determined. Proc Okla Acad Sci 1925;5:30-42.20] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –n/(n – 1) (otherwise) |
17i [Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Cronbach LJ. Studies of acquiescence as a factor in the true-false test. J Educ Psychol 1942 Sep;33(6):401-415. [CrossRef]259] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–1.5 (otherwise) |
18i [Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–1.8 (otherwise) |
19 [Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6,Wood BD. Measurement in Higher Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1923.17,Miller GF. Formulas for scoring tests in which the maximum amount of chance is determined. Proc Okla Acad Sci 1925;5:30-42.20,Boyd W. An exploration of the true-false method of examination. Forum Educ 1926;4:34-38.21,Lennox B. Multiple choice. Br J Med Educ 1967 Dec;1(5):340-344. [Medline]49,Whitby LG. Marking systems for multiple choice examinations. Med Educ 1977 May;11(3):216-220. [CrossRef] [Medline]75,Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Etoxinod S. How to checkmate certain vicious consequences of true-false tests. Etoxin 1940;61:223-227.253,Staffelbach EH. Weighting responses in true-false examinations. J Educ Psychol 1930 Feb;21(2):136-139. [CrossRef]268-Rao NJ. A note on the evaluation of the true-false and similar tests of the new-type examination. Indian J Psychol 1937;12:176-179.270] |
| f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f = –2/(n – 1) (otherwise) |
20i [Wood BD. Measurement in Higher Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1923.17,Guilford JP. Psychometric Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1954.41] | 1 right minus 3 wrong [Wood BD. Measurement in Higher Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1923.17] | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–3 (otherwise) |
21j [Cronbach LJ. Studies of acquiescence as a factor in the true-false test. J Educ Psychol 1942 Sep;33(6):401-415. [CrossRef]259] | N/A | f=1 (if i=1) f=0 (if o=1) f=–62/38 (if i=0 and tm=1) f=–38/62 (if i=0 and tm=0) |
af: resulting score per item.
bi=1 if the item was marked correctly; otherwise i=0.
cn: number of answer options per item (n≥2).
do=1 if the item was omitted; otherwise o=0.
etm=1 if the statement is true; otherwise tm=0.
fNC: number correct.
gN/A: not applicable (ie, no explicit name was previously introduced in literature).
hCG: correct for guessing.
iOnly described for n=2.
jOnly described for single true-false items.
Scoring Methods Without Malus Points (0 to a Maximum of +1 Point per Item)
Method 1
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. Therefore, the examination result as absolute score (S) corresponds to the number of correct responses (R). No points are deducted for incorrect responses (W). The formula is S = R.
Method 2
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. In addition, 1/n credit points per item are awarded for each omitted item (O). No points are deducted for incorrect responses. The formula is S = R + O/n. This scoring method was first described by Lindquist [Lindquist EF. Educational Measurement. Washington, DC: American Council on Education; 1951.37] in 1951.
Method 3
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 1 – 1/n credit points are awarded. The formula is S = R + (1 – 1/n)W. This scoring method was first described by Costagliola et al [Costagliola G, Ferrucci F, Fuccella V, Oliveto R. eWorkbook: a computer aided assessment system. Int J Distance Educ Technologies 2007;5(3):24-41. [CrossRef]154] in 2007 and named fair penalty by the authors. However, the term penalty is misleading because no points are deducted in case of incorrect responses.
Method 4
For each correct response, 1/(n – 1) credit points are awarded. Omitted items and incorrect responses do not affect the score. The formula is S = R/(n – 1). For example, 1 credit point is awarded for a correct response on single-choice items with n=2 (ie, alternate-choice items, single true-false items) but only 0.25 credit points are awarded for a correct response on best-answer items with n=5. This scoring method was first described by Foster and Ruch [Foster RR, Ruch GM. On corrections for chance in multiple-response tests. J Educ Psychol 1927 Jan;18(1):48-51. [CrossRef]181] in 1927.
Scoring Methods With Malus Points (Maximum –1 to +1 Point per Item)
Method 5
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 1/[2 (n – 1)] points are deducted. The formula is S = R – W/[2 (n – 1)]. This scoring method was first described by Little [Little EB. Overcorrection for guessing in multiple-choice test scoring. J Educ Res 1962;55(6):245-252. [CrossRef]182] in 1962.
Method 6
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 1/(n – 1) points are deducted. The formula is S = R – W/(n – 1). This scoring method was first described by Holzinger [Holzinger KJ. On scoring multiple response tests. J Educ Psychol 1924;15(7):445-447. [CrossRef]183] in 1924. For items with n=2, methods 6 and 13 result in identical scores; for items with n=4, methods 6 and 9 result in identical scores.
Method 7
For each correct response, 1/(n – 1) credit points are awarded. For an incorrect response, 1/(n – 1) points are deducted. The formula is S = (R – W)/(n – 1). This scoring method was first described by Petz [Petz B. Penalizirati ili ne penalizirati pogrešne odgovore u testovima znanja alternativnog tipa [To penalize or not to penalize false answers in the achievement tests of the alternative type]. Revija za Psihologiju 1978;8(1-2):49-56.226] in 1978.
Method 8
For each correct response, (n – 1)/n credit points are awarded. For an incorrect response, 1/n points are deducted. Omissions do not affect the score. The formula is S = [(n – 1)/n]R – W/n. As a result, examinees achieve only 0.5 credit points for each correct response on single-choice items with n=2 and 0.8 credit points for each correct response on best-answer items with n=5. This scoring method was first described by Guilford [Guilford JP. Psychometric Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1954.41] in 1954.
Method 9
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 1/3 points are deducted. The formula is S = R – (1/3)W. Originally, this scoring method was described by Paterson and Langlie [Paterson D, Langlie T. Empirical data on the scoring of true-false tests. J Appl Psychol 1925 Dec;9(4):339-348. [CrossRef]6] in 1925 with the formula S = 3R – W for items with n=2 only. Later, the scoring method was also described for single-choice items with more answer options [Anderson J. Hand-scoring of multiple choice questions. Med Educ 1983 Mar;17(2):122-133. [CrossRef] [Medline]88,Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203]. For items with n=4, methods 6 and 9 give identical results.
Method 10
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 0.48 points are deducted. The formula is S = R – 0.48W. This scoring method was first described by Gupta and Penfold [Gupta RK, Penfold DME. Correction for guessing in true-false tests: an experimental approach. Brit J Educ Psychol 1961;31(P3):249-256. [CrossRef]229] in 1961 for single-choice items with n=2.
Method 11
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. Half a point is deducted for incorrect responses. The formula is S = R – 0.5 W. This scoring method was first described in 1924 by Brinkley [Brinkley SG. Values of New Type Examinations in the High School. With Special Reference to History. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1924.18] and Asker [Asker WM. The reliability of tests requiring alternative responses. J Educ Res 1924;9(3):234-240. [CrossRef]230] for single-choice items with n=2, but was later also used for single-choice items with more answer options.
Method 12
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For incorrect responses, 0.6 points are deducted. The formula is S = R – 0.6W. This scoring method was first described by Gupta [Gupta RK. A new approach to correction in true false tests. Educ Psychol (Delhi) 1957;4(2):63-75.231] in 1957 for single-choice items with n=2.
Method 13
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. One point is deducted for incorrect responses. The formula is S = R – W. For items with n=2, methods 6 and 13 result in identical scores. This scoring method was first described by McCall [McCall WA. A new kind of school examination. J Educ Res 1920;1(1):33-46. [CrossRef]4] in 1920 for single-choice items with n=2, but was later also used for single-choice items with more answer options.
Method 14
This scoring method results in 1 credit point for a correct response, 0.7 credit points for an omitted item, and –1 point for an incorrect response. The formula is S = R + 0.7O – W. This scoring method was first described by Staffelbach [Staffelbach EH. Weighting responses in true-false examinations. J Educ Psychol 1930 Feb;21(2):136-139. [CrossRef]268] in 1930 for single-choice items with n=2.
Scoring Methods With Malus Points (Maximum –3 to +1 Points per Item)
Method 15
This scoring method results in 1 credit point for a correct response, 0.7 credit points for an omitted item, and –1.1 points for an incorrect response. The formula is S = R + 0.7O – 1.1W. This scoring method was first described by Kinney and Eurich [Kinney LB, Eurich AC. Studies of the true-false examination. Psychol Bull 1933 Jul;30(7):505-517. [CrossRef]186] in 1933 for items with n=2.
Method 16
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For an incorrect response, n/(n – 1) points are deducted. The formula is S = R – nW/(n – 1). This scoring method was first described by Miller [Miller GF. Formulas for scoring tests in which the maximum amount of chance is determined. Proc Okla Acad Sci 1925;5:30-42.20] in 1925. For items with n=2, methods 16 and 19 result in identical scores.
Method 17
For an incorrect response, 1.5 times as many points are deducted as credit points are awarded for a correct response. The original scoring formula is S = 2R – 3W. If a maximum of 1 credit point is awarded per item, 1 credit point is awarded for a correct response and 1.5 points are deducted for an incorrect response. This results in the following scoring formula: S = R – 1.5W. This scoring method was first described by Cronbach [Cronbach LJ. Studies of acquiescence as a factor in the true-false test. J Educ Psychol 1942 Sep;33(6):401-415. [CrossRef]259] in 1942 for items with n=2.
Method 18
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For an incorrect response, 1.8 points are deducted. The scoring formula is S = R – 1.8W. This scoring method was first described by Lennox [Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203] in 1967 for items with n=2.
Method 19
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. For an incorrect response, 2/(n – 1) points are deducted. The formula is S = R – 2W/(n – 1). This scoring method was first described by Gates [Gates AI. The true-false test as a measure of achievement in college courses. J Educ Psychol 1921 May;12(5):276-287. [CrossRef]269] in 1921 with the scoring formula S = R – 2W for items with n=2. Later, the scoring formula was also described for single-choice items [Lennox B. Marking multiple-choice examinations. Br J Med Educ 1967 Jun;1(3):203-211. [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Rao NJ. A note on the evaluation of the true-false and similar tests of the new-type examination. Indian J Psychol 1937;12:176-179.270]. In case of items with n=2, methods 16 and 19 result in identical scores.
Method 20
One credit point is awarded for a correct response. Three points are deducted for an incorrect response. The formula is S = R – 3W. This method was first described by Wood [Wood BD. Measurement in Higher Education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University; 1923.17] in 1923 for items with n=2.
Specific Scoring Methods for Single True-False Items
Method 21
One credit point is awarded for correctly identifying the statement of true-false single items as true or false. If the statement presented is marked incorrectly, 62/38 points are deducted on true statements (Wt, incorrectly marked as false), but only 38/62 points are deducted on false statements (Wf, incorrectly marked as true). The scoring formula is S = R – (62/38)Wt – (38/62)Wf. This scoring method was first described by Cronbach [Cronbach LJ. Studies of acquiescence as a factor in the true-false test. J Educ Psychol 1942 Sep;33(6):401-415. [CrossRef]259] in 1942 for single true-false items and differentiates in the scoring of incorrectly marked true/false statements.
Expected Chance Scores of the Identified Scoring Methods
The expected chance scores of examinees without any knowledge (k=0) vary between –1 and +0.75 credit points per item for single-choice items with n=2. For single-choice items with n=5, expected chance scores show a larger variability. Here, the expected chance scores vary between –2.2 and +0.84 credit points per item, depending on the selected scoring method. A detailed list is shown in Table 3.
Method number | Scoring formulaa-f | ng=2 | n=5 | |||||
Credit for incorrect responsesh | Credit for correct responsesi | Expected chance score | Credit for incorrect responsesh | Credit for correct responsesi | Expected chance score | |||
1 | S = R | 0 | 1 | 0.50 | 0 | 1 | 0.20 | |
2 | S = R + O/n | 0 | 1 | 0.50 | 0 | 1 | 0.20 | |
3 | S = R + (1 – 1/n)W | 0.50 | 1 | 0.75 | 0.80 | 1 | 0.84 | |
4 | S = R/(n – 1) | 0 | 1 | 0.50 | 0 | 0.25 | 0.05 | |
5 | S = R – W/[2 (n – 1)] | –0.50 | 1 | 0.25 | –1/8 | 1 | 0.10 | |
6 | S = R – W/(n – 1) | –1 | 1 | 0.00 | –0.25 | 1 | 0.00 | |
7 | S = (R – W)/(n – 1) | –1 | 1 | 0.00 | –0.25 | 0.25 | 0.15 | |
8 | S = [(n – 1)/n]R – W/n | –0.50 | 0.50 | 0.00 | –0.20 | 0.80 | 0.00 | |
9 | S = R – (1/3)W | –1/3 | 1 | 1/3 | –1/3 | 1 | –2/30 | |
10 | S = R – 0.48W | –0.48 | 1 | 0.26 | –0.48 | 1 | –23/125 | |
11 | S = R – 0.5W | –0.50 | 1 | 0.25 | –0.5 | 1 | –0.20 | |
12 | S = R – 0.6W | –0.60 | 1 | 0.20 | –0.6 | 1 | –0.28 | |
13 | S = R – W | –1 | 1 | 0.00 | –1 | 1 | –0.60 | |
14 | S = R + 0.7O – W | –1 | 1 | 0.00 | –1 | 1 | –0.60 | |
15 | S = R + 0.7O – 1.1W | –1.10 | 1 | –0.05 | –1.10 | 1 | –0.68 | |
16 | S = R – nW/(n – 1) | –2 | 1 | –0.50 | –1.25 | 1 | –0.80 | |
17 | S = R – 1.5W | –1.50 | 1 | –0.25 | –1.5 | 1 | –1.00 | |
18 | S = R – 1.8W | –1.80 | 1 | –0.40 | –1.8 | 1 | –1.24 | |
19 | S = R – 2 W/(n – 1) | –2 | 1 | –0.50 | –0.5 | 1 | –0.20 | |
20 | S = R – 3W | –3 | 1 | –1.00 | –3 | 1 | –2.20 | |
21 | S = R – (62/38)Wt – (38/62)Wf | –62/38 or –38/62 | 1 | N/Aj | –62/38 or –38/62 | 1 | N/Aj |
aS: examination result as absolute score.
bR: number of correct responses.
cO: number of omitted items.
dW: number of incorrect responses.
eWt: number of true statements incorrectly marked as false.
fWf: number of false statements incorrectly marked as true.
gn: number of answer options per item.
hR=0, O=0, W=1.
iR=1, O=0, W=0.
jExpected chance scores were not calculated for method 21, because these depend on the proportion of true-false items with correct or incorrect statements.
Relation Between Examinees’ true knowledge and the Expected Scoring Results
The relation between examinees’ true knowledge and expected scoring results for single-choice items with n=2 and n=5 is shown in Figure 3. For all identified scoring methods, there is a linear relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the expected scoring results. However, some scoring methods (ie, methods 4 and 7) award less than 1 point for correctly marked items if there are more than 2 answer options (n>2). One further method (method 8) awards less than 1 point for correctly marked items regardless of the number of answer options, so the maximum score for these scoring methods might be less than 100%. Depending on the scoring method and the number of answer options, the y-axis intercepts (expected chance scores, k=0) and the slopes differ. A low expected chance score results in a wide range of examination results that differentiate different examinees’ knowledge levels (ranging from the expected chance score as the lower limit to the maximum score as the upper limit). Only for methods 6 and 8 as well as method 7 in the case of n=2, the line starts from the pole (ie, examinees without any knowledge [k=0] achieve an examination result of 0%). Only for method 6, the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the expected scoring results is independent of the number of answer options per item.

Principal Findings
In this review, a total of 21 scoring methods for single-choice items could be identified. The majority of identified scoring methods is based on theoretical considerations or empirical findings, while others have been arbitrarily determined. Although some methods were only described for certain item types (ie, single-choice items with n=2), most of them might also be used for scoring items with more answer options. However, 1 method is suitable for scoring single true-false items only.
All scoring methods have in common that omitted items do not result in any credit deduction. Some scoring methods even award a fixed amount of 0.7 points on omitted items (methods 14 and 15), which is, however, lower than the full credit for a correct response, or the score to be achieved on average by guessing (1/n, method 2).
For the identified scoring methods, the possible scores range from a maximum of –3 to +1 points. A correctly marked item is usually scored with 1 full point (1 credit point). Exceptions to this are 3 scoring methods that only award 1 credit point in case of single-choice items with n=2 (methods 4 and 7) or that never award 1 credit point (method 8). These scoring methods are questionable because as the number of answer options increases, the guessing probability decreases. Further, a differentiation between examinees’ marking on true and false statements (method 21) is not justified, because the importance of correctly identifying true statements (ie, correctly marking the statement as true) and false statements (ie, correctly marking the statement as false) is likely to be considered equivalent in the context of many examinations.
With the exception of method 6, the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the resulting examination scores depends on the number of answer options per item (n). Therefore, the number of answer options per item must usually be taken into account when examination scores are interpreted.
Examinations are designed to determine examinees’ knowledge as well as to decide whether the examinees pass or fail in summative examinations. It can be generally assumed that examinees must perform at least 50% of the expected performance to receive at least a passing grade [Kirstges T. Gerechte Noten: Zur Gestaltung von Notensystemen für die Beurteilung von Leistungen in Klausuren [Fair grades: designing grading systems for assessing performance in exams]. Neue Hochschule 2007;48(3):26-31.271]. If examinees are to be tested on a true knowledge of 50%, adjusted pass marks must be applied depending on the scoring method used and the number of answer options per item. The theoretical considerations show that for an examination testing for 50% true knowledge, a pass mark of 0% or even negative scoring results might be appropriate, while other scoring methods would require pass marks up to 92%. Consequently, the examination’s pass mark must be considered or adjusted when selecting a suitable scoring method. However, the pass mark might be fixed due to local university or national guidelines resulting in a limited number of suitable scoring methods.
Correction for Guessing
To account for guessing in case of single true-false items, the scoring formula R – W (method 13) was originally propagated in the literature, where the number of incorrect responses is subtracted from the number of correct responses [McCall WA. A new kind of school examination. J Educ Res 1920;1(1):33-46. [CrossRef]4]. Since its first publication in 1920, this scoring method has been frequently criticized: the main criticism is that this scoring method assumes examinees to either have complete knowledge (k=1) or to guess blindly (k=0). However, especially in the context of university examinations, examinees are assumed to have at least some partial knowledge. Furthermore, the scoring method assumes that incorrect responses are exclusively the result of guessing. No differentiation is made between incorrect responses due to blind guessing (ie, complete lack of knowledge), informed guessing (ie, guessing with partial knowledge and remaining uncertainty), or other reasons (eg, transcription errors introduced when transferring markings to the answer sheet) despite complete knowledge. Because of the 50% guessing probability in case of alternate-choice items or single true-false items, it is assumed that for each incorrectly guessed response (W) 1 item is also marked correctly by guessing on average, so that the corrected result is obtained by the scoring formula R – W. Especially in the case of partial knowledge, examinees’ marking behavior not only depends on their actual knowledge but also on their individual personality (eg, risk-seeking behavior) [Frary RB. NCME instructional module: formula scoring of multiple-choice tests (correction for guessing). Educ Meas 1988 Jun;7(2):33-38. [CrossRef]272]. Consequently, the construct validity of examinations must be questioned when using the scoring formula R – W. Another criticism is that a correction by awarding malus points does not change the relative ranking of the results of different examinees if all examinees have sufficient time to take the examination and all items are answered [Hubbard JP, Clemans WV. Multiple-Choice Examinations in Medicine: A Guide for Examiner and Examinee. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger; 1961.44,Ebel RL. Measuring Educational Achievement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1965.46].
Therefore, alternative scoring methods and scoring formulas emerged in addition to the already discussed scoring formula R – W. In this context, the literature often refers to formula scoring. However, the term formula scoring is not used uniformly: on the one hand, it is used as a general umbrella term for various scoring methods to correct for the guessing probability. On the other hand, the term is used to refer to specific scoring methods (methods 2, 6, and 13). Using method 2, examinees receive 1/n points for each omitted item. This corresponds to the number of points they would have scored on average by blindly guessing. Method 6 is a generalization of the scoring formula R – W for variable numbers of answer options. In case of n answer options, there are n – 1 times as many incorrect answer options as correct answer options and it is assumed that for each incorrectly guessed response (W) also W/(n – 1) items are marked correctly by guessing on average. Therefore, the corrected score is given by the scoring formula R – W/(n – 1). Consequently, methods 6 and 13 yield identical scoring results in case of items with n=2.
Strengths and Limitations
So far, the relation between examinees’ true knowledge and the expected scoring result for single-choice items has been shown only for a small number of scoring methods [Lukas J, Melzer A, Much S. Auswertung von Klausuren im Antwort-Wahl-Format [Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Examinations]. Halle (Saale), Germany: Center for Media-Enhanced Learning and Teaching (LZZ) of the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; 2017.273]. Therefore, a systematic literature search was conducted in several databases as part of this review. As a result, a large number of different scoring methods have been identified and were compared in this review assisting (medical) educators in gaining a comprehensive overview and to allow for informed decisions regarding the scoring of single-choice items. However, limitations are also present: First, a number of assumptions (eg, equal difficulty of items and answer options, absence of cues) were required for simplification of the calculations and comparisons. However, these assumptions are likely to be violated in real examinations [Kanzow P, Schuelper N, Witt D, Wassmann T, Sennhenn-Kirchner S, Wiegand A, et al. Effect of different scoring approaches upon credit assignment when using Multiple True-False items in dental undergraduate examinations. Eur J Dent Educ 2018 Nov;22(4):e669-e678. [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Tarrant M, Knierim A, Hayes SK, Ware J. The frequency of item writing flaws in multiple-choice questions used in high stakes nursing assessments. Nurse Educ Today 2006 Dec;26(8):662-671. [CrossRef] [Medline]274-Kanzow P, Schmidt D, Herrmann M, Wassmann T, Wiegand A, Raupach T. Use of multiple-select multiple-choice items in a dental undergraduate curriculum: retrospective study involving the application of different scoring methods. JMIR Med Educ 2023 Mar 27;9:e43792 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]276]. Second, calculations are based on classical test theory assumptions and did not employ item response theory models that might yield different results. Third, databases were already searched in September 2020 and potentially eligible sources published thereafter might not be included in this review. However, single-choice items have been used in examinations for over 100 years and further scoring methods are unlikely to have emerged in the past 2 years.
Comparison With Prior Work
Although some of the identified scoring methods might also be applied to other item formats (eg, multiple-select items), the presented equation for the calculation of the expected scoring result is limited to single-choice items. Analogous calculations for items in multiple-select multiple-choice formats with (eg, Pick-N items) or without (eg, Multiple-True-False items) mutual stochastic dependence have already been described in the literature [Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items. Educ Res Rev 2021 Nov;34:100409. [CrossRef]11,Schmidt D, Raupach T, Wiegand A, Herrmann M, Kanzow P. Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Pick-N items. Educ Res Rev 2022 Nov;37:100483. [CrossRef]14].
Practical Implications
In practice, the evaluation of a multiple-choice examination should be based on an easy-to-calculate scoring method that allows for a transparent credit awarding and is accepted by jurisdiction. In this regard, scoring methods with malus points (ie, methods 5-21) may not be accepted by national jurisdiction in certain countries (eg, Germany) [Kubinger KD. Gutachten zur Erstellung „gerichtsfester“ Multiple-Choice-Prüfungsaufgaben [Expert opinion on the creation of “lawful” multiple-choice items]. Psychol Rundschau 2014 Jul;65(3):169-178. [CrossRef]277]. Furthermore, it does not seem reasonable to discourage examinees from marking an item by awarding malus points for the reasons already mentioned. Therefore, only 4 of the presented scoring methods can be versatilely used. Furthermore, it seems inconclusive to reward partial credit on incorrect responses or to refrain from awarding 1 credit point for correct responses in case of items with more than 2 answer options (n>2). As a result, only a dichotomous scoring method (1 credit point for a correct response, 0 points for an incorrect response or omitted items) is recommended. Within the context of this review, the outlined scoring method is referred to as method 1.
The scoring of examinations with different item types, item formats, or items containing a varying number of answer options within a single examination is more complicated. Here, the individual examination sections would have to be evaluated separately or the credit resulting from the respective item type or item format would have to be corrected to enable a uniform pass mark. For example, in the single-choice format, credit points resulting from items with n=2 would have to be reduced to compensate for the higher guessing probability compared with items with n=5 (ie, 50% vs 20% guessing probability).
Single-response items only allow clearly correct or incorrect responses from examinees. Consequently, the scoring should also be dichotomous and result in either 0 points (incorrect response) or 1 credit point (correct response) per item. Because of the possibility of guessing, scoring results cannot be equated with examinees’ true knowledge. If (medical) educators interpret scoring results and determine suitable pass marks, the expected chance score must be taken into account, which in the proposed dichotomous scoring methods depends on the number of answer options per item.
The authors acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of Göttingen University. The funder had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Data Availability
All data generated during or analyzed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary information files.
Authors' Contributions
AFK and PK contributed to the study’s conception and design, performed the literature search and data extraction, and drafted the manuscript. PK performed statistical analyses. All authors interpreted the data, critically revised the manuscript, and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Multimedia Appendix 1
PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.
DOCX File , 108 KB
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CG: correct for guessing |
f: resulting score per item |
k: examinees’ true knowledge |
n: number of answer options per item |
NC: number correct |
O: number of omitted items |
PRISMA-ScR: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews |
PROSPERO: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews |
R: number of correct responses |
S: examination result as absolute score |
W: number of incorrect responses |
Wf: number of false statements incorrectly marked as true |
Wt: number of true statements incorrectly marked as false |
Edited by T Leung; submitted 05.11.22; peer-reviewed by MA Lindner, E Feofanova; comments to author 05.03.23; revised version received 06.03.23; accepted 31.03.23; published 19.05.23
Copyright©Amelie Friederike Kanzow, Dennis Schmidt, Philipp Kanzow. Originally published in JMIR Medical Education (, 19.05.2023.
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