Published on in Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Oct-Dec

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Emoji Education: How Students Can Help Increase Health Awareness by Making Emojis

Emoji Education: How Students Can Help Increase Health Awareness by Making Emojis

Emoji Education: How Students Can Help Increase Health Awareness by Making Emojis

Authors of this article:

Sammer Marzouk1 Author Orcid Image ;   Shuhan He2 Author Orcid Image ;   Jarone Lee2 Author Orcid Image


1Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, United States

2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

Jarone Lee, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

55 Fruit Street

Boston, MA, 02114

United States

Phone: 1 617 726 2760


Emojis can improve health communication, especially when incorporating emojis into traditionally word-only texts. Beyond improving communication, emojis also offer greater access to health care, especially for vulnerable and marginalized populations with limited health literacy. A recent study found that 94% of patients with limited health literacy preferred health reports with emojis. Moreover, health officials are considering adding emojis to cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines and public health guidelines for handwashing. As the world evolves with new technology and new methods of communication, we must also evolve the language and method we use to communicate health information to patients. In this viewpoint, we aim to discuss the methods health care professionals can use to develop novel communication methods using emojis and the benefits of their incorporation into health care communication.

JMIR Med Educ 2022;8(4):e39059



Emojis can improve health communication, especially when incorporating emojis into traditionally word-only texts [Lai D, Lee J, He S. Emoji for the Medical Community-Challenges and Opportunities. JAMA 2021 Sep 07;326(9):795-796. [CrossRef] [Medline]1]. Beyond improving communication, emojis also offer greater access to health care, especially for vulnerable and marginalized populations with limited health literacy. A recent study found that 94% of patients with limited health literacy preferred health reports with emojis [Stonbraker S, Porras T, Schnall R. Patient preferences for visualization of longitudinal patient-reported outcomes data. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2020 Feb 01;27(2):212-224. [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. Moreover, health officials are considering adding emojis to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines [Adami F, Cecchini M. May emoji improve CPR knowledge? Resuscitation 2019 Dec;145:32-33. [CrossRef] [Medline]3] as well as public health guidelines for handwashing [Lotfinejad N, Assadi R, Aelami MH, Pittet D. Emojis in public health and how they might be used for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2020 Feb 10;9(1):27 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]4]. As the world evolves with new technology and new methods of communication, we must also evolve the language and method we use to communicate health information to patients. In this viewpoint, we aim to discuss the methods health care professionals can use to develop novel communication methods using emojis and the benefits of their incorporation into health care communication.

A major obstacle for increasing the use of emojis in health care is the lack of diversity in health care–related emojis. Of the 3521 emojis in the Unicode Standard, which is the organization that maintains text and communication standards across electronic devices, only 30 of them were related to health care [Bai Q, Dan Q, Mu Z, Yang M. A systematic review of emoji: current research and future perspectives. Front Psychol 2019;10:2221. [CrossRef] [Medline]5]. These mainly were generic body parts (eg, ears, hands, or legs) or general symbols such as “pill” or “syringe.” There is a large deficiency of emojis that communicate detailed aspects of health care, such as CPR, drawing blood, and getting an injection [Kralj Novak P, Smailović J, Sluban B, Mozetič I. Sentiment of emojis. PLoS One 2015;10(12):e0144296 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. As such, we believe that the current generation of upcoming medical students have the potential to fill this gap with new emojis.

As members of a new generation that sends over 10 billion emojis a day, we have the greatest experience in knowing how to balance the artistic features of an emoji with the necessary detail to convey the information correctly. Researchers have proposed the development of new health-related emojis such as a liver emoji [Balk A, Lee J, Renne C, He S. The liver emoji. Hepatology 2022 May;75(5):1073-1074. [CrossRef] [Medline]7] and kidney emoji [Seethapathy H, Beach J, Gillcrist M, Conway PT, Teakell J, Lee J, et al. The case for a kidney emoji. Am J Kidney Dis 2022 Aug;80(2):155-157. [CrossRef] [Medline]8]. However, tech-savvy medical students have the ability to increase the use and accessibility of emojis by just increasing the use of emojis in common health media. Using common applications such as inTextMoji, Bitmoji, Avatoon, and many more, we can place colorful, creative, and inviting representations onto traditionally text-heavy guides in medicine. Most applications for emoji-making involve converting pictures or drawings into Unicode pictures that you can send through text, so students can use their talents in digital arts to establish new symbols and representations [Alshenqeeti H. Are emojis creating a new or old visual language for new generations? A socio-semiotic study. Adv Lang Literary Stud 2016 Dec 07;7(6):56-59. [CrossRef]9]. Applications such as EmojiRequest allow users to submit their designed emojis to a public contest, where the most popular emojis become publicly available on their phone app and website. Eventually, popularly requested emojis will be proposed to the Unicode Standard—acceptance into which will cause these emojis to be available on handheld devices worldwide.

Anyone can submit an application for a new emoji design to the Unicode Standard. There is a submission window from April 4 to July 31 every year for unique emoji designs. For the emoji application, a new design has to have a descriptive name, a category that it fits into, and a reason that necessitates its inclusion into the standard. For making decisions, the Unicode Consortium focuses on if novel emojis fit its selection factors, which are its metrics for deciding if there is a public need for the novel emoji design. These factors include its distinctiveness from other emojis, its expected use levels based on internet search analytics from similar topics, and the cultural universality of the emoji design [Emoji Proposals, v15.0. Unicode. 2022.   URL: [accessed 2022-11-03] 10]. The most important metric is the expected use levels, which is demonstrated by comparing the search popularity of the emoji’s topic with the term elephant. The emoji’s topic will be compared to elephant using Google Trends, Bing Trends, and general search analytics to show there is a public interest in the topic depicted in the emoji. This is because the elephant emoji is not the most popular or unpopular emoji, so it will be an indicator of the potential popularity of the novel emoji. Potential emojis must be submitted in a 18 × 18 pixel size, which is the size of emojis in a phone, and a 72 × 72 pixel size.

After initial submission, applicants will wait 2 to 6 weeks to see if their emoji has passed the basic review and if it would be presented to the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC) for full consideration. Emojis that do not make it past this stage cannot be reconsidered for 2 years. At the UTC meeting, around 50 to 70 new emojis will be discussed [Current UTC document register for 2022. Unicode. 2022.   URL: [accessed 2022-04-16] 11], and the final emoji list will be released around early March of the following year. It will usually take several months for emoji vendors such as Apple, Twitter, and Google to approve new emojis from the UTC and release them on their platforms.

Even though it might be a lofty goal, previous grassroots-based movements have successfully advocated for new emojis to be added to the Unicode Standard based on popular request. Most notably this was the development of a wide array of skin colors for emojis to allow for greater representation of different peoples. With using health care emojis, we are able to increase the accessibility of health care information to a larger audience. Emojis have been used in diverse patient populations such as older adult patients, non-English–speaking patients, and young children [Szeto MD, Barber C, Ranpariya VK, Anderson J, Hatch J, Ward J, et al. Emojis and emoticons in health care and dermatology communication: narrative review. JMIR Dermatol 2022 Aug 1;5(3):e33851. [CrossRef]12,Haydek CG, Love E, Mollanazar NK, Valdes Rodriguez R, Lee H, Yosipovitch G, et al. Validation and banding of the ItchyQuant: a self-report itch severity scale. J Invest Dermatol 2017 Jan;137(1):57-61 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]13]. All of these groups reported having an increased understanding of the health care information being conveyed through emojis rather than through traditional communication methods [Bai Q, Dan Q, Mu Z, Yang M. A systematic review of emoji: current research and future perspectives. Front Psychol 2019;10:2221. [CrossRef] [Medline]5,Brants W, Sharif B, Serebrenik A. Assessing the meaning of emojis for emotional awareness - a pilot study. In: Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference. 2019 Presented at: WWW '19; May 13-17, 2019; San Francisco, CA p. 419-423. [CrossRef]14,He S, Renne A, Argandykov D, Convissar D, Lee J. Comparison of an emoji-based visual analog scale with a numeric rating scale for pain assessment. JAMA 2022 Jul 12;328(2):208-209. [CrossRef] [Medline]15]. We want the readers to use their creativity and experience to kick-start the future and much needed evolution of health care communication.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

  1. Lai D, Lee J, He S. Emoji for the Medical Community-Challenges and Opportunities. JAMA 2021 Sep 07;326(9):795-796. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  2. Stonbraker S, Porras T, Schnall R. Patient preferences for visualization of longitudinal patient-reported outcomes data. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2020 Feb 01;27(2):212-224. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  3. Adami F, Cecchini M. May emoji improve CPR knowledge? Resuscitation 2019 Dec;145:32-33. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  4. Lotfinejad N, Assadi R, Aelami MH, Pittet D. Emojis in public health and how they might be used for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2020 Feb 10;9(1):27 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]
  5. Bai Q, Dan Q, Mu Z, Yang M. A systematic review of emoji: current research and future perspectives. Front Psychol 2019;10:2221. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  6. Kralj Novak P, Smailović J, Sluban B, Mozetič I. Sentiment of emojis. PLoS One 2015;10(12):e0144296 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]
  7. Balk A, Lee J, Renne C, He S. The liver emoji. Hepatology 2022 May;75(5):1073-1074. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  8. Seethapathy H, Beach J, Gillcrist M, Conway PT, Teakell J, Lee J, et al. The case for a kidney emoji. Am J Kidney Dis 2022 Aug;80(2):155-157. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  9. Alshenqeeti H. Are emojis creating a new or old visual language for new generations? A socio-semiotic study. Adv Lang Literary Stud 2016 Dec 07;7(6):56-59. [CrossRef]
  10. Emoji Proposals, v15.0. Unicode. 2022.   URL: [accessed 2022-11-03]
  11. Current UTC document register for 2022. Unicode. 2022.   URL: [accessed 2022-04-16]
  12. Szeto MD, Barber C, Ranpariya VK, Anderson J, Hatch J, Ward J, et al. Emojis and emoticons in health care and dermatology communication: narrative review. JMIR Dermatol 2022 Aug 1;5(3):e33851. [CrossRef]
  13. Haydek CG, Love E, Mollanazar NK, Valdes Rodriguez R, Lee H, Yosipovitch G, et al. Validation and banding of the ItchyQuant: a self-report itch severity scale. J Invest Dermatol 2017 Jan;137(1):57-61 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]
  14. Brants W, Sharif B, Serebrenik A. Assessing the meaning of emojis for emotional awareness - a pilot study. In: Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference. 2019 Presented at: WWW '19; May 13-17, 2019; San Francisco, CA p. 419-423. [CrossRef]
  15. He S, Renne A, Argandykov D, Convissar D, Lee J. Comparison of an emoji-based visual analog scale with a numeric rating scale for pain assessment. JAMA 2022 Jul 12;328(2):208-209. [CrossRef] [Medline]

CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
UTC: Unicode Technical Committee

Edited by N Zary, T Leung; submitted 14.05.22; peer-reviewed by X Wang, S El Bialy; comments to author 02.09.22; revised version received 08.09.22; accepted 31.10.22; published 11.11.22


©Sammer Marzouk, Shuhan He, Jarone Lee. Originally published in JMIR Medical Education (, 11.11.2022.

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