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Published on 26.04.18 in Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jan-Jun

This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:

Works citing "Consensus on Quality Indicators of Postgraduate Medical E-Learning: Delphi Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/mededu.9365):

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  1. Bakkum MJ, Tichelaar J, Wellink A, Richir MC, van Agtmael MA. Digital Learning to Improve Safe and Effective Prescribing: A Systematic Review. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2019;106(6):1236
  2. de Leeuw R, de Soet A, van der Horst S, Walsh K, Westerman M, Scheele F. How We Evaluate Postgraduate Medical E-Learning: Systematic Review. JMIR Medical Education 2019;5(1):e13128
  3. de Leeuw RA, Logger DN, Westerman M, Bretschneider J, Plomp M, Scheele F. Influencing factors in the implementation of postgraduate medical e-learning: a thematic analysis. BMC Medical Education 2019;19(1)
  4. . Review of the Delphi method in library and information science research. Journal of Documentation 2020;76(4):929
  5. de Leeuw RA, Westerman M, Walsh K, Scheele F. Development of an Instructional Design Evaluation Survey for Postgraduate Medical E-Learning: Content Validation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(8):e13921
  6. de Leeuw R, Scheele F, Walsh K, Westerman M. A 9-Step Theory- and Evidence-Based Postgraduate Medical Digital Education Development Model: Empirical Development and Validation. JMIR Medical Education 2019;5(2):e13004
  7. Liu Q, Sun W, Du C, Yang L, Yuan N, Cui H, Song W, Ge L. Medical Morphology Training Using the Xuexi Tong Platform During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development and Validation of a Web-Based Teaching Approach. JMIR Medical Informatics 2021;9(3):e24497
  8. Boulais M, Comte J, Stauffer E, Gormand F, Lambert I, Limousin N, Lopez R, Leotard A, Guyon A, Raoux A, Challamel M, Franco P, Peter-Derex L. Polysomnograph-e : un outil pédagogique en ligne pour l’apprentissage de la lecture des polysomnographies. Médecine du Sommeil 2022;19(3):156
  9. Mutua MM, Nyoni CN, Bati AH. Undergraduate e-learning programmes in health professions: An integrative review of evaluation standards in low- and middle-income countries. PLOS ONE 2023;18(2):e0281586
  10. Crocamo C, Bachi B, Cioni RM, Schecke H, Nieminen I, Zabłocka-Żytka L, Woźniak-Prus M, Bartoli F, Riboldi I, Appleton JV, Bekaert S, Zlatkute G, Jouet E, Viganò G, Specka M, Scherbaum N, Paavilainen E, Baldacchino A, Carrà G. Professionals’ Digital Training for Child Maltreatment Prevention in the COVID-19 Era: A Pan-European Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(2):885
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  13. Putkuri T, Sarvasmaa AS, Lahti M, Laaksonen C, Axelin A. Participation and satisfaction with thee-learning course “Mental health promotion in school health care”: a mixed-method study. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 2024;19(3):139