%0 Journal Article %@ 2369-3762 %I JMIR Publications %V 11 %N %P e68046 %T Transforming Medical Education to Make Patient Safety Part of the Genome of a Modern Health Care Worker %A Lachman,Peter %A Fitzsimons,John %K patient safety %K psychological safety %K medical curriculum %K professional competence %K clinical competence %D 2025 %7 17.1.2025 %9 %J JMIR Med Educ %G English %X Medical education has not traditionally recognized patient safety as a core subject. To foster a culture of patient safety and enhance psychological safety, it is essential to address the barriers and facilitators that currently impact the development and delivery of medical education curricula. The aim of including patient safety and psychological safety competencies in education curricula is to insert these into the genome of the modern health care worker. %R 10.2196/68046 %U https://mededu.jmir.org/2025/1/e68046 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/68046