@Article{info:doi/10.2196/54105, author="Livesay, Karen and Walter, Ruby and Petersen, Sacha and Abdolkhani, Robab and Zhao, Lin and Butler-Henderson, Kerryn", title="Challenges and Needs in Digital Health Practice and Nursing Education Curricula: Gap Analysis Study", journal="JMIR Med Educ", year="2024", month="Sep", day="13", volume="10", pages="e54105", keywords="nursing; digital health; capability; workforce; framework; nursing education; education; digital health practice; clinicians; nurse; nurse graduates; clinical nurses; nurses; nurse educators; teach; teaching; learning; nursing students; student; students", abstract="Background: Australian nursing programs aim to introduce students to digital health requirements for practice. However, innovation in digital health is more dynamic than education providers' ability to respond. It is uncertain whether what is taught and demonstrated in nursing programs meets the needs and expectations of clinicians with regard to the capability of the nurse graduates. Objective: This study aims to identify gaps in the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework , based on the perspectives of clinical nurses, and in nurse educators' confidence and knowledge to teach. The findings will direct a future co-design process. Methods: This study triangulated the findings from 2 studies of the Digital Awareness in Simulated Health project and the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Capability Framework. The first was a qualitative study that considered the experiences of nurses with digital health technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the second was a survey of nurse educators who identified their confidence and knowledge to teach and demonstrate digital health concepts. Results: The results were categorized by and presented from the perspectives of nurse clinicians, nurse graduates, and nurse educators. Findings were listed against each of the framework capabilities, and omissions from the framework were identified. A series of statements and questions were formulated from the gap analysis to direct a future co-design process with nursing stakeholders to develop a digital health capability curriculum for nurse educators. Conclusions: Further work to evaluate nursing digital health opportunities for nurse educators is indicated by the gaps identified in this study. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/54105", url="https://mededu.jmir.org/2024/1/e54105", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/54105" }